so just want to ask which class is better? PVM wise? Xbow Knight or Xbow Scout and why? also some advise on build will be greatly appreciated.

PVM Xbow
Posted 16 February 2018 - 06:45 AM
Posted 16 February 2018 - 09:21 AM
The two are similar in the end result, but how they do it, and when it pays off is different
Damage with xBow Scout will be a bit higher at first compared to a Knight, in most cases. Due to the Scout having more Skill Power, and all of their skills being physical. While a Knights DPS will be slightly lower, due to most of their damage being DoT based and reliant on Criticals to achieve their best numbers. Stacking Critical takes time on some bosses like Shaman and Mammy Queen. They also suffer from the fact that their two best damage dealing skills from their second class tree, are both magical type, while Knights only have pierce physical from their xBow Passive.
Tanking on a Scout and Knight are done via two different methods completely when you first start, however once you progress, they'll become rather similar, and rather quickly at that.
Scouts tank Bosses via PvM Impact Stun, PvM Taunt Shot, Accu Down, AP Down, Aspd Down, Stun Arrow, and Shield Stun. In short, they tank the boss, by punishing the boss with a plethora of negative effects.
Knights on the other hand Tank via mainly mitigation. Stacking as many sources that will compound together into nullifying massive quantities of damage. They have probably one of the best remaining PvM Stuns in the form of PvM Shield Bash. It lasts for quite a good chunk of time, and has a 9 second cooldown. Giving the skill about a 50% up time. The rest of the time, they're just taking it to the face and hoping it doesn't hurt too much.
Knights wielding a xBow suffer from a problem that they will also share with a Scout. AoE Taunt. An xBow Knight will skirt this issue slightly thanks to Sacri, but due to it's long cooldown, you'll only be able to reliably use this once. If you team continues to pull aggro off you while they DPS the pull/trashpack, then they're on their own until Sacri's Cooldown wears off. 1H Knights get around this thanks to PvM Impact wave with a 100% taunt, and a much shorter cooldown.
Scouts on the other hand have 0 AoE Taunt, which is the defining factor in why hardly anyone will ever use one as a dedicated DG Tank. They make great off-tanks thanks to Taunt Shot [Unique skill ,you'd have to get it from the IM or Valor shop], but if you ever need to Get the pull to focus on you, you're out of luck.
In the end, neither are truly good at DG Tanking thanks to the lack of AoE aggro control, a 1H Knight will just do it better, as it will be applying AoE Damage on top of the taunts. But if you're dead set on playing an xBow type, here's what I'd say you should go by.
Do you want to be a serious tank, effective nearly right out of the gate, and possibly using more than 1 client? If yes, then go with Knight.
If you want to have a novelty tank, and have some fun and a bit of a challenge early on in DG tanking, then go Scout.
Posted 16 February 2018 - 01:41 PM
thanks a lot for the very detailed response. I mostly am playing solo and somehow my laptop won't let me dual log so a support won't be available. just mainly looking for a class I can go with solo. as of now I am playing a 1h Soldier. just want to explore some options when it comes to PVM
Edited by Epoyce15, 16 February 2018 - 02:13 PM.
Posted 16 February 2018 - 02:54 PM
I'd say tough it out as a 1H Knight, and really look into doing more than sitting on the ground to tank. You do that, people will love to have you in their runs.
Posted 16 February 2018 - 04:10 PM
yeah. I guess 1h knight is more new player friendly xD
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