I created a video which shows the skill Hypnotizer from Ninja being casted 10 times to show that it doesn't hit as often as it should. The Skill description says its 90% but in my test video it only hits 4 of 10 times which isn't even 50%. If you would test it 100 times it would be still less than 50 hits.
For comparison reasons I have also created a video which shows the skill Barbarian from Invoker being casted 10 times. That skill is on lv 10 and has 89% Hit Chance (~same as Hypnotizer) and you can see it hits 10/10.
So I think the skill of Ninja is a bit buggy and has not the % number implemented. Please take a look into it.
Edited by Dynasto, 18 February 2018 - 11:28 AM.