Good morning, afternoon, evening, night.
As of today, it is way less efficient for Summoners (and, as I was told, Monks) to level up in Expert mode, that is to say in a way that requires actively playing, than it is to mindlessly spam F7 which requires minimum attention and about no investment in gear, nor does it require to know any boss' attack pattern (the one-shot Aram spikes were a rather nice surprise by the way)...
And that because of an extreme increase in difficulty for this class: any regular monster in Kundara, at lv.55 with a +7 Magichenge gun staff, has a total of around 150,000 HP, with the boss herself (Mutisha) 5,36M. And I only have a total of 6,507 MATK, needing an average of 24 hits (8 attacks with Helix shot on) to kill, or a whole 1,000 mana combo with 10,000 maximum mana (not enough skill points yet to unlock more than three good damaging spells). Which is, in case this was not obvious, a whole lot.
This means that if a Summoner wants to level up efficiently (i.e. as efficiently as many other classes), they will have to spend hours in F7, which is to say: they will have to spend hours not playing, because of the class they chose. That, or spending much more time questing or raiding dungeons in Expert mode.
I feel bad knowing I should spend more time levelling up just because I chose to play a class I enjoy. I have to hold X with Helix shot on in Expert mode to even be able to kill regular monsters because of my high mana costs and rather low damage otherwise. I boast 244% attack speed (for now) and am unable to earn a nice amount of experience by raiding Expert mode VF or Kundara because it takes ages, even going at it in the most efficient and boring way (sadly enough, as mentioned above: holding X).
This penalizes players who actually want to play rather than wait for their experience gauge to magically fill itself up. I thus ask for a lowering of regular monsters' total HP in Expert mode for Summoners for lower character level and enchant level. Just for Summoners (again: and seemingly Monks) not to feel compelled not to play in order to play. They indeed are way too powerful, but punishing players choosing them this way is gruesome.
Edit: fixed typo and incorrect wording.
Edited by XiongmaoLin, 20 March 2018 - 11:36 AM.