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Class picking advice for return player

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#1 NPChung


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Posted 18 March 2018 - 06:58 PM

I played dragon saga here and there about 2 or 3 years ago, now i want to start fresh, and i need some advice about class picking

_What class has good skill combo progression from job1 to job4 ? for example. Sorcerer use orb+blizzard from job2 to job4, that kinda boring...

_Is there any class that can skip PoS ? Grinding that set was awful ( i've seen some change about PoS farming recently, but i don't understand much, if someone explain to me it will be awesome... )

_Do X-spam classes still outshine others classes ?

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#2 Vossel


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Posted 19 March 2018 - 05:46 AM

PvE those X-spam classes still out dps every other class, but the other classes got buffed so they are a bit better now. PvP they got huge nerfs up to 50% to around 70% damage drop on x hits after a real short time already, this drops the damage of element attack as well. i would say Mages still dominate those group PvP fights but are not as OP as before.

warrior thief and twin have good combo progression in my opinion.

some classes dont really need PoS for PvE for PvP it is mostly a must have because of the element resistence and good defence, but be aware that the Arcadia Part 3 is coming which will offer a new set, nobody knows the stats so far so i cant tell much about it.

some classes can use PoS for both PvP and PvE because it gives good stats like final crit crit damage attackspeed etc.

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#3 Lukeario


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Posted 20 March 2018 - 11:22 AM

Since x-spammer scale with four stats(MATK/ATK;CR;CD;AS), while skill user only scale with three stats(MATK/ATK;CR;CD) x-spammer will always be better in DPS, unless there will be huge balancing changes. So if you wanna go for full PvE, stay away from Dragoon and Sentinel. Summoner and Destroyer are at the top when it comes to DPS. All other classes are somewhere in between(dunno about actual rankings). Summoner are bad at mission farming tho, so keep that in mind.


Savage, Sentinel, Overlord, Twin and maybe Ninja have good skill progression(maaaaaaybe destroyer too).


Can't say much about PvP, since I haven't done it yet.

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