hello dragon saga lead team and hello dragon saga community
i have a suggestion for new ingame items: the lvl 81 f7 earrings (lunar, stella, solar, eclipse, meteo) which a lot of ppl would maybe like to see and are missing in their setups
there are lvl 81 rings and necklaces from defense mode also so it would fit in the system
my suggestion about how it could be implemented is, u get 2 x 5*kryos(lvl 69 f7 ears, which are max atm) + 1 star fragment and combine it to a lvl 81 5* f7 earring
maybe u could call it somehting like "ophicius solar/eclipse/etc earrings, i think this is an easy way to make lots of players happy, way at least i would rly appreciate that
stats are maybe like 50% stronger than the lvl 69 ones so it would be worth to get them for expert, pve and pvp and would bring a lil bit difference in the 3 x elemental spirit meta item build
hope u guys like this suggestion <3
if u like it just reply on this topic
have a nice day

lvl 81 f7 earring suggestions :-)
Posted 22 March 2018 - 11:36 AM
Posted 22 March 2018 - 11:40 AM
Cool idea, friend!
Posted 22 March 2018 - 11:54 AM
The stats would be tricky to make balanced, especially in the Eclipse and Solars (% Chance life on hit and raw atk/matk respectively). Additionally they'd have to be not too op but also good to consider them over the Element Spirit earrings used for their great individual and set based bonuses.
I will support this if their stats are too good and if they make them implemented through a good means of obtaining them.
Posted 22 March 2018 - 10:11 PM
Posted 22 March 2018 - 10:52 PM
Maybe the 81 have like 950?
Same for the eclipse for expert or meteo for pvp
Not overpowred but a alternative compared to the elemental spirit ears (u would also loose the element def so it should not be that op)
What does the leading team think about this suggestions

Posted 23 March 2018 - 08:40 AM
Well, about the stats and how to get them could be discussed, btw there is no high lvl f6 where you can drop the 81 rings, and making a new f7 would maybe take too much effort, ofc they dont have to bee op, for example the 69 solars with 99soulforce have like 650~ atk
Maybe the 81 have like 950?
Same for the eclipse for expert or meteo for pvp
Not overpowred but a alternative compared to the elemental spirit ears (u would also loose the element def so it should not be that op)
What does the leading team think about this suggestions?
The problem would stem from using them with Earring sockets.
the +1000 min/max attack one essentially allows you to either hybridize the Solar and another of your choice or straight up double, give or take, a Solar's attack bonuses.
Level 69 Kryos Solars give +552 ATK/MATK, with the 6* Special attack adding an additional +600 ATK or MATK. So from a level 69 Earring alone you can have +1152 ATK or MATK
Level 81's would likely have to be +700 minimum maybe +900 max. Then they'd be boosted by +1000 from the highest tier socket. It might be a bit too strong to allow an earring to give 2,000+ ATK or MATK based on class. Even though dual-Cerberus Solars give over +8,000...
Posted 23 March 2018 - 09:26 AM
I would say 1k (2k with card) Damage for max level Earrings is okay... since rings give 4,2k atk.. Wouldnt be to op.
Posted 23 March 2018 - 03:51 PM
But for me its important to get those 81 ears so we could have more choice :-)
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