Personaly I think it's fine the way it is atleast in concern to the daily quest rewards, but there should be more ways to gain rune refine materials besides doing daily quests and the occasional superboss
Which isnt even worth it by the way after gaining 2 essence instead of the 1 in a effort to reduce the latency issues.
You used to get around 20+ paradigm crates which has turned into around 12 crates for some reason even tho your technically still being rewarded the same amount of essence on paper.
Some proposals and suggestions that were previously made to adress these issues were;
- Random treasure chests inside dungeons (Area's that need to be unlocked first)
- Mining (Gathering, if that update ever comes around) having a small chance to gain ores from veins while gathering materials such as iron/copper/mythrill/adamant and so forth
- The Disassembling of the face runes for PvM/PvP rune materials (Random reward)
- Increasing the succes chance of refining the runes.
- Perhaps add a additional daily solo quest to kill some monsters or players in certain areas
Edited by Cortiz, 25 March 2018 - 08:00 AM.