I'm guessing you are trying to level as a battle cleric? And are you trying to solo level? If the answer to those is yes then it might be a bit tricky.
The skills you will want regardless are:
- Mental Focus
- Mana Bolt (level 1 only)
You want most of the offensive passives, block rate passives, and defense passive in the cleric tree (don't really need the magic defense passive in the common tree). You also wont necessarily need to max the range passive either. You can also consider getting voltage jolt/voltage storm and hellfire if you have the points.
In general you don't really want to take buffs on a battle cleric because there simply isn't enough skill points for everything and if you are learning all of the support cleric skills you might as well just focus on being a support cleric. Likewise, in order for your buffs to be strong you need high charm, but investing too much into charm will leave yourself doing less damage. However, if you are intending on solo leveling as a battle cleric you can consider getting buffs at level 1 just to have access to them, but I don't particularly recommend it.
Summons are weak and slow, and the ice dragon costs way too many skill points to get. Their stats are based on your own to an extent, but if you spend the points on getting summons, and spend points on getting buffs to buff them, you yourself end up being weak, therefor your summons are also weak as a result.
You can considering getting some heals also, but for pvm purposes I would recommend getting salamander flames instead. You don't need to move that much while leveling and you set up 2 (eventually 4 of them) and you can do damage and get healed at the same time, not to mention any party members nearby will also get healed.
As far as stats go it depends what you are doing (and Im assuming you are leveling) you want Int, Dex, Sen. If you dont take heals or buffs you dont need much charm, but you should still add a little, if you do take them, then you want more charm. Add some con as you see fit but accuracy isn't very important in pvm. Don't bother with str.