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Medals not working since last Friday

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#1 YantaKN


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Posted 07 April 2018 - 08:18 PM

I purchased a number of Farmer's Packages and individual medals. They don't appear to be working. I am not getting any drops whatsoever from these medals. Prior to Friday with these medals I could almost fill the Equipment tabs of two characters in a 30 minute period, as well plenty of consumables and material drops.


I'm just flushing money down the toilet at this point.


For the last few days about all I'm seeing is Zulie drops, a few of the common items and nothing else.


Even out of a weekend bonus event and without medals I would still get weapons, armors and consumables, but lately I'm getting nothing.


Suggestions? Advice?


EDIT: I don't know if this is related. I was using the sigil of brilliance and when I used the Medal Of Abundance and another medal (I can't remember what it was now), my EXP rates dropped to what I would get without the Sigil of Brilliance. Coincidence?


thank you.


Edited by YantaKN, 07 April 2018 - 08:21 PM.

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#2 AndraSyte


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Posted 09 April 2018 - 03:22 PM

If you are able to, please make sure to send in a ticket to our Support Team so that they can begin an investigation. You can contact them by sending a ticket here. 

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#3 HoneyBunz


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Posted 10 April 2018 - 04:39 PM

I've been noticing a difference in the way medals are working lately too. It's been very recently- maybe since the the last patch.


I have a feeling that it's the sigils that are not working properly rather than the medals themselves. We were using Medals of Abundance and Epic Medals and a Sigil of Wealth and it was as if we didn't even use a sigil.  There were just about no drops, not even trash map drops.


It's really a difficult thing to prove. All I can say is that when we used the exact combination of medals/ sigils early part of last week, we had tons of drops and that is not the case now.

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#4 YantaKN


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Posted 10 April 2018 - 06:40 PM

I've been noticing a difference in the way medals are working lately too. It's been very recently- maybe since the the last patch.


I have a feeling that it's the sigils that are not working properly rather than the medals themselves. We were using Medals of Abundance and Epic Medals and a Sigil of Wealth and it was as if we didn't even use a sigil.  There were just about no drops, not even trash map drops.


It's really a difficult thing to prove. All I can say is that when we used the exact combination of medals/ sigils early part of last week, we had tons of drops and that is not the case now.


Exactly! These are the symptoms I am seeing. I think I wasted around 450 - 500 IM points buying medals only to find they didn't work. Not particularly happy about that. And the thing is, until it is proven and fixed, it's just a waste to buy medals and use them.. May as well just flush the money down the loo.


With all due respect, this is a pretty serious issue.


Anyway, I'm creating a ticket now. Usually takes about 5 days to get a response.

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#5 YantaKN


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Posted 12 April 2018 - 05:14 PM

Well, I got a response quicker than expected. Not a positive outcome though.

Near as I can tell from the response the situation is that unless I'm prepared to waste more $$ to test it again (with no mention of compensation for that), then no support will be forthcoming. I'd have to buy more sigils (450) + The Farmers Package that I used (Which was 330 but appears to be unavailable - separately they are about 220 points).


I recalculated my losses already and it's about 800 - 850. This would have taken the tally to 1600+ points lost.


I also found that the sigil of Brilliance (at least for the character I tested it on), was only about 200% - 225% EXP, despite being advertised as 300% (Solo, not in a party)


Bit disappointing that technical support can't test this form themselves - They do test patches before the release them don't they. For something like this to slip though it would appear not :(



Edited by YantaKN, 12 April 2018 - 05:15 PM.

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#6 YantaKN


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 02:44 AM

Don't think it's just the sigil of brilliance causing the problem. I just purchased a trainee medal and epic medal. Not one drop.

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#7 Lijona


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 09:11 AM

Maybe just the droptable changed?

I didn't get any Orb(S) in dingeon since last Friday.

And before I got several of them every run.

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#8 HoneyBunz


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 05:04 PM

Tried farming today and I think you're right about all medals having an issue, not just the sigils of wealth.  There were just about no drops even with the current server boost.  We should have at least been getting more trash map drops.


Something is definitely not right with drops right now.


Update: There is now a topic on the drop issue here if anyone wants to add their thoughts and findings. 

Edited by HoneyBunz, 14 April 2018 - 08:40 AM.

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#9 Yanta0205


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Posted 16 April 2018 - 02:53 AM

Tried farming today and I think you're right about all medals having an issue, not just the sigils of wealth.  There were just about no drops even with the current server boost.  We should have at least been getting more trash map drops.


Something is definitely not right with drops right now.


Update: There is now a topic on the drop issue here if anyone wants to add their thoughts and findings. 


Thanks for that.


Tech Support essentially dropped me like a sack of hot potatoes when I suggested I was not inclined to waste more money testing.


I'm finding I get more drops by NOT using the medals. With the weekend boost I almost filled my equipment inventory with no medals in a few hours. Nothing of any consequence, but at least there were drops as opposed to absolutely nothing when using the medals.

Edited by Yanta0205, 16 April 2018 - 02:54 AM.

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