Advice on choosing Assassin or Rogue - Thief - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Advice on choosing Assassin or Rogue

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#1 adam612


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Posted 27 April 2018 - 12:54 PM

Hey everyone, just a new player here trying to decide on choosing an Assassin or Rogue.   Was reading that rogue gets more bonus stats added to dodge from stat point increases on agility  but Assassin gets more bonus stats put into  hit instead.  Would that make Rogue be the better class choice ?    Just curious on other players opinions  since I was thinking Hit  isnt as useful  of a stat  as dodge might be  for survival, especially in dungeons.  

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#2 Arbalist


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Posted 27 April 2018 - 10:08 PM

You're looking at old charts. Rogue gets more Hit and more Dodge now, though neither are really relevant. Both are pretty bad in PVE, both are excellent in PVP. Dodge can be fairly useful in PVP, so that's a slight edge. As a general note though, stat points are mostly irrelevant to stress over. 


Disclaimer: I don't play either class, but very broadly speaking Assassin has a more mobility/range and can also become immune to damage for short periods of time. Rogue tends to have a bit more burst damage. In the end, just choose what appeals to you or make both and get a feel for them. However being PVP classes it's hard to truly get a grasp of it until you're at endgame and decently geared so keep that in mind. 


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#3 adam612


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Posted 28 April 2018 - 07:30 AM

ok thanks.  ive never played a thief type melee class before.  mostly been a warrior in other online games for years.  i was leaning towards being an assassin  until i read about the hit and dodge difference.  rogue gets less hit and more dodge from agility increases.   do you know the max number of stat points you can earn  in the game ?   alot of guides seem several years outdated.   like some say maybe its around 75 points but others say 300.   Guess I am just wondering because 300 will have a much larger impact than just 75 points  at the end of the game.

Edited by adam612, 28 April 2018 - 07:31 AM.

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#4 Arbalist


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Posted 28 April 2018 - 09:59 AM

By level 25 you'll have 25 points. By level 50 you'll have 75 points. From level 51 (Master Level 1) onwards you gain 5 per level, so by level 90 (ML40), you'll have 275. You can also start purchasing Stat points in exchange for experience points after level 51, for a maximum of 100. This is a grand total of 375.


This 375 isn't much though, roughly 3% of your final stats in the end. The vast majority of stat points come from your equipment and damage comes from your level-appropriate weapon and runes you slot in, so like I said, don't stress out over your stat build. Just remember to start getting level appropriate gear from level 50 onwards, as the numbers before that point are too small to matter. No need for any min/max thinking until at least level 70 or 80 in my opinion.


I wouldn't look at any guide outside of these forums and I wouldn't look at anything older than April 23rd, 2014 (For thieves I think 2015 is a bit safer, they had an update a few months after the date above. 

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