I know it wasn't just me who seldom take screenshots of their characters and adore them.
I decided to try some things out and take a screen shot.
It was supposed to be just my CON Artisan, Knight and Champion...but some random player joined me...
...and another player...
...and another one...
...and another one...
...and they just keep coming...
thus, the unexpected photo op happened!
I know it's not the best time to post it coz of the issue that's happening. So I ask all players who, technically, aren't affected by the issue to spend some time with their friends and create cute and fluffy memories while we still can. Be it in PvP, Dungeon, while farming or just simply hanging out in Junon Polis.
And last and also my fave pic of the bunch!
From Left to Right: LadyCleric025, Nikkow, CLAYIE, 133MHz, Ingenium, 4get, Confortare, RealDragQueen, Lycus, lSpreeKitik, xHephaestu, CrimeFighter,Lock of Heaven, RektYouHard(one who refused to get in line XD)
Photo Taken: 05/03/2018
Edited by Vertumnus, 07 May 2018 - 12:18 AM.