I agree with Feuer, 1v1's wouldn't be balanced. Here is my understanding of how it goes:
Class list:
Bourgeous - subclass cannon-guns
Artisian - subclass guns
Scout - subclass bow-xbow
Raider - subclass dual-katar
Mage - subclass staff
Cleric - subclass wand
Champion -subclass axe-spear-sword
Knight - subclass 1hand-xbow
Factors that contribute to a 1v1 win or loss:
Components of chance/luck: Dispells, Debuffs, Accuracy to Dodge, Critical, DOTs, Status Downs, Blocks, Stun, Sleep, Mute, Harmful effect resistances and just lucky timing. Or an opponents incompetence.
If these factors were taken out of the equation, it came down purely to the base stats (This has happened at one point to sword vs sword champion PvP when cap level was 230, it meant that if you had beaten another sword champion once, it was 80% mute chance certain that you would beat them again even if both sides had the same gear and skill build.)
In some cases depending on which classes that are facing off, if there wasn't enough factors of luck involved; losing once most certainly meant losing again unless something was adjusted in the core of a characters build (the base stats).
A good full support cleric can pretty much sustain forever in a 1v1 as they were meant to support entire teams making them incredibly hard to take down alone.
Knights were empowered by the GM so that it can sustain an enormous amount of mobs in PVM which made them overpowered in 1v1 dueling.
A good xbow knight will struggle beating a mage due to a lack of burst damage for the shield.
A good xbow knight will have one hell of an easy time beating a sword or spear champion.
A good xbow knight will likely beat the average raider with dots and some luck.
A good xbow knight should be able to beat an arti before it kills him.
A good 1hand knight can beat a mage with factors of luck and kiting is not involved
A good 1hand knight can beat a raider with factors of luck and kiting is not involved
A good 1hand knight will beat a sword champion consistantly.
A good 1hand knight will never solo kill a good full support cleric.
A good axe champion theoretically might stand a chance against the knight.
A good axe champion will beat raiders inconsistently having luck involved.
A good axe champion might beat a mage if factors of luck are involved.
A good axe champion should knock out an arti and bourg quite quickly.
A good axe champion will beat a spear champion.
A good axe champion can solo kill a cleric in due time.
A good sword champion with factors of luck involved will go even against a mage.
A good sword champion will beat raiders on average
A good sword champion will beat axe or spear champions
A good sword champion will struggle against a knight
A good spear champion might beat a katar raider
A good spear champion can kite a sword champion or 1hand knight assuming no one else is on the map nerfing the damage and eventually wins if luck isn't involved.
A good spear champion doesn't have enough burst to beat the average mage.
A good arti or bourg might knock out a weak champion but if it doesn't happen once, it's most likely never going to happen again.
A good katar raider vs a good mage (luck)
A good katar raider vs a good knight (luck)
A good katar raider vs a champion (luck)
A good katar raider vs a katar raider (luck)
A good katar beats the arti or bourg (luck)
A good scout will beat a raider if luck is involved
A good scout might beat a champion if luck and kiteing is involved
A good xbow scout will lose to a sword or axe champion
A good mage will beat a champion
A good mage will beat a raider
A good mage will beat a knight
Classes aren't balanced for 1v1's because there are some deep issues with some classes lacking factors of luck that can sway the fight their way. So therefore even with the best statistical build possible, some classes still remain the underdog because they don't have much chance (luck) on their side (due to the class itself) to come out on top.
Katar Raiders vs Katar Raiders is the greatest show casing of how luck(chance) impacts PvP. Sleep, stuns, crit, hit or miss, dodging the enemies strongest skill, resisting even a single dot or debuff can completely sway the fight one way or another. Katar raiders are one of those classes where it is hard to know exactly what the most optimal base stats are because luck impacts the PvP almost always. Therefore sometimes we come across situations where even the best runed raiders find themselves defeated by another raider with just 1 or 2 runes or even none at all.
Edited by henrycao, 05 June 2018 - 09:52 AM.