Please DO NOT disable the revive skills, instead be smart about the decisions and listen to the suggestions from the community for a change 
If you do disable the revive skill then we better finish that tournament next livestream as matches will probaly be done in less then 1-2 minutes each.
Obviously a major balance update is required, like drasticly increase some of the cooldowns for certain skills like revive and give other classes some sort of survival mechanic other then a massive amount of HP.
lets face it if u needs multiple revives in less then a minute ur probaly doing something wrong
(Doesnt matter if its PvP or PvM, your just not ready)
Lets also talk about some taunt/sacrifice diminishing returns and other missing features, the community has brought this up a number of times already but never realy gets any attention.
My hopes is that with this small fiasco during the matchup someone will read this, and start the realize the community members are actualy right and deserve some attention in these matters, that it might ACTUALY be time to make some nessesary changes to the game for its longevity and to keep the community calm.
The way I see it, the ROSE team should interact with its player way more often to ask for feedback, here on the forums but also ingame.
A Developer should have joined that AA match when you first heard about the crashes that were going on, and do some live debugging.
(Now I feel its to late, you lost the major part of the "PvP" community and 2/3rd of the gamemodes dont even run anymore, unless its rigged with a dozen clients to farm the honor points!)
The game is starting to become a spek of its former glory, the countless negative feedback, game breaking bugs, poor quality costumes & decisions made by the team whos running ROSE.
You should seriously start with a balance update and to keep it short and simple here is my point of view on this.
-DoT can have critical hits but HoT can't? whats the deal with that, thats not balanced imo.
-Diminishing returns for taunts and sacrifice is nessesary, ive seen a few topics from a few years back players are right!
-Raiders/Scouts might actualy have TO MUCH dodge at this point.
(with the current reinforcement system, there gear starts with the lowest durability compaired to other classes so they will gain the most from this update, making them even more unbalanced!)
-Bourgs still have a HUGE damage output, dispite the fact the AOE mitigation took place, its still THE BEST AoE class with the highest damage output, I would like to see the DoT/Skillpower slightly lowerd.
-Axe champions having trouble keeping the Critical Damage stack up and running, it currently maxes at 5 stacks and you cant refresh it when it reaches those stacks, thats aside from that fact the stack only lasts a few seconds.
(Not to mention there survivability of a axe champion "Just like artisans" is like that of a potato)
-Scouts wind arrow stack can be refreshed and also this passive along with other passives should have its stack timer increased by a dozen seconds, this was also mentioned and requested by the class veterans
-Cleric flames and bonefire need to go! Instead maybe they could summon a becon that players can click to recieve a good chunk HP/MP (Once every xx seconds)
(This might actualy reduce the FPS drops and give more stability in general) & stop players from attacking AFK, help deal with the majority of the bot users and give rose back some more active gameplay)
There's should be a big balance update to addres all the problems the community has mentioned over the years but little to none as actually happend dispite the reports!
Oh And the livestream was poorly executed, the screen resolution was way off, people obviously couldn't realy see anything that was going on, not to mention you made the mistake of showing the command lines that were used.
Remind me to /call Genesis next time ^^,
Edited by IFreeBird, 04 August 2018 - 05:01 AM.