I read about pirate quests which will be given by mailboxes, but no one gives me any quest including Prontera's one.
My other characters can get them, but only one cannot.
Does any body know the reason?
Last year, I performed this kind of quest - pirate quest - .
So is it the reason?
Last year's quest and this year's one are same?
And... one more thing...
How can I enter chaos dungeon?
The error message says related quests are not completed so I cannot enter.
What are related quests?
This error message often appears when I try to enter Hell of Deadly Poison in Divided Plain, Silent Corridoe and Land of Assasin in Morrocc.
(I can see King Reinhard's Test of Prontera, Test of Will of Alberta, and some quests of Darkwhisper are not completed yet.)