Since me and my friends have come back to the game, we have often gotten party bugged (many different types).
1. We will party up and someone gets "Party has disbanded" notification, yet still be in the party menu on someone else's screen. (because the party didn't ACTUALLY disband, hence the bug)
2. Someone can be in party, change channels, and all of a sudden they are no longer in party on their screen but still be in party on mine, with a "you have been kicked from the party" notification.
3. They will be in the party but not be able to receive buffs, and need to be re-partied.
4. Someone will enter into colo (which forces you to leave party) yet in they get kicked from colo in the second round due to "Party Disbanding" when you are clearly not in a party.
5. I have been in colo and I can still the party menu INSIDE colo, and see green dots on my map of the other players.
I will display examples as I gather them. Others with this problem, I encourage you to also post.
Edited by BlissfulTsunami, 25 September 2018 - 05:31 PM.