I have a problem connected to me every day, and several of my accs that I use the most did not receive spin coins what happens?

Rose Online Spooky Share-A-Thon Event!
Posted 24 October 2018 - 10:26 AM
Posted 24 October 2018 - 10:48 AM
i have 3 main that i use to dg ... the first 2 mains got 25 spin coins and the other one didnt T_T why is that?
Posted 24 October 2018 - 11:58 AM
I have a problem connected to me every day, and several of my accs that I use the most did not receive spin coins what happens?
i have 3 main that i use to dg ... the first 2 mains got 25 spin coins and the other one didnt T_T why is that?
If you did not receive the Lucky Spin coins and you fulfilled the requirements to receive them, the best thing to do is make a ticket so support can investigate. Here is the link to the support page.
Posted 24 October 2018 - 05:57 PM
Hows it going? How much tonnage have already been shared in this share A- Thon event?
Posted 24 October 2018 - 09:36 PM
Posted 25 October 2018 - 01:23 AM
What for this problem need to send a ticket.. i ever send a ticket because this problem.. i got 5 chars level 250 with different id.. but my id like rose1 rose2 rose3 rose4 rose5 .. i only got 1 from all of my id.. when i got a reply , they said iam gonna do the exploit..but the minimum lvl is lvl 35 and i got all level 250.. they think iam gonna exploit because i got a same id with different number
it looks like they are basing on ur IGN or account username .... HAHAHA
Posted 25 October 2018 - 01:28 AM
Posted 25 October 2018 - 04:56 AM
Yeah.. when my id with lvl 250 didn't get rewadd anymore from now event.. i will accept it and won't to send the ticket again.. already know the answer..
Did you log in that account before they send the spins?
Posted 25 October 2018 - 05:03 AM
Ah so I need my characters logged in before they send the rewards ah that explains it fair enough no complaints not WP fault my bad and my Internet providers fault.
Just when you have promos and gift rewards like this my Freaking Internet service provider decided to have a city wide outage. What a flucking time to be alive in a -_- hole 3rd world country! I am getting tired of this excrement to be honest.
Edited by DarthKarla, 25 October 2018 - 05:05 AM.
Posted 26 October 2018 - 04:02 AM
Posted 26 October 2018 - 04:05 AM
if u have old chars and accounts with the same pattern of name .... they will not get rewards i swear.. thats how the filter the event distribution of reward.
Posted 26 October 2018 - 05:00 AM
if u have old chars and accounts with the same pattern of name .... they will not get rewards i swear.. thats how the filter the event distribution of reward.
Well... make sense. My raider is Goku and my Cleric is Vegeta and just my raider got the lucky spins coins.
My cleric is a old account too.
Posted 26 October 2018 - 08:15 AM
Items for the ROSE Online Spooky Share A Thon will be distributed once a week, so Venurunes will be going out early next week!
Posted 26 October 2018 - 08:17 AM
Upon checking, the accounts mentioned did not meet the requirements of the events. Under this circumstance, the accounts are not eligible to received the said Lucky Spin Coin rewards. Your understanding is appreciated and if you have other concerns, please let us know and we will gladly look into it.
Follow us on Twitter: @WarpPortalSUP
I do not understand how they do not meet the requirements if I log in daily and go to DG all day to get Ores and even then I do not have the requirements -.-! WTF, Administrators put the batteries because in fact the server every day is more alone
please, if you are going to make an event, make sure that when the prizes are given, it works correctly if you do not open more disgruntled users, as in my case
and with so much error people will end up getting angry ...
Edited by VModCupcake, 26 October 2018 - 08:37 AM.
Posted 26 October 2018 - 08:33 AM
Thank you for patiently waiting while we investigated your concern.
Upon checking, the accounts mentioned did not meet the requirements of the events. Under this circumstance, the accounts are not eligible to received the said Lucky Spin Coin rewards. Your understanding is appreciated and if you have other concerns, please let us know and we will gladly look into it.
Sincerely,JonathanWarpPortal Support TeamFollow us on Twitter: @WarpPortalSUP
I do not understand how they do not meet the requirements if I log in daily and go to DG all day to get Ores and even then I do not have the requirements -.-! WTF, Administrators put the batteries because in fact the server every day is more alone
please, if you are going to make an event, make sure that when the prizes are given, it works correctly if you do not open more disgruntled users, as in my case
and with so much error people will end up getting angry ...
Same here... my cleric is online 24/7 and he have no lucky spins coins.
Posted 26 October 2018 - 08:41 AM
Thank you for patiently waiting while we investigated your concern.
Upon checking, the accounts mentioned did not meet the requirements of the events. Under this circumstance, the accounts are not eligible to received the said Lucky Spin Coin rewards. Your understanding is appreciated and if you have other concerns, please let us know and we will gladly look into it.
Sincerely,>snip<WarpPortal Support TeamFollow us on Twitter: @WarpPortalSUP
I do not understand how they do not meet the requirements if I log in daily and go to DG all day to get Ores and even then I do not have the requirements -.-! WTF, Administrators put the batteries because in fact the server every day is more alone
please, if you are going to make an event, make sure that when the prizes are given, it works correctly if you do not open more disgruntled users, as in my case
and with so much error people will end up getting angry ...
Please send the information to Dragonlark so she can investigate your issue
If anyone else feels they qualified for item rewards but did not get them, please create a ticket
Edited by VModCupcake, 26 October 2018 - 08:44 AM.
Posted 26 October 2018 - 09:00 AM
did i exploit the event?
i went 5 different houses to register. using their internet.
use 5 different emails . i used my gf's email. my mothers email. my dads email as well as my brothers email.
i created like 30 characters. leveled them up to 70-200. geared them up . named them all like twins.
spent my electricity using 3 computers. my time and effort i log in and level up them and played them.
and still NO SPIN ..
Posted 26 October 2018 - 09:05 AM
did i exploit the event?
i went 5 different houses to register. using their internet.
use 5 different emails . i used my gf's email. my mothers email. my dads email as well as my brothers email.
i created like 30 characters. leveled them up to 70-200. geared them up . named them all like twins.
spent my electricity using 3 computers. my time and effort i log in and level up them and played them.
and still NO SPIN ..
no lucky spin coins on any account?
Posted 26 October 2018 - 02:18 PM
Please know that creating multiple accounts and characters throughout the event in order to get more rewards may result in items not going to ANY of the associated accounts as this is considered an attempt to exploit this event. Also be aware that discussing exploits of this kind is against our forum terms of use. If you have specific questions regarding this matter please send me a PM and I will be happy to clarify further. Further posts regarding exploiting in this thread will be removed.
Posted 26 October 2018 - 04:56 PM
I just need you to FIX this game..
How can you let this game running with a problem when already 2 years and not solved
Posted 26 October 2018 - 05:01 PM
If we gonna exploit this event..no need to make a lvl 250 then geared up for exploit this event.. just need to make chars with level 35, bcs the minimum lvl for requirements is lvl 35.
You know right, how hard to reach lvl 250 even make a gear then upgrade it..
Posted 28 October 2018 - 12:43 AM
this event should have some more transparent rules!
like its limited for 2 accounts only.
with level required
Posted 28 October 2018 - 06:27 AM
Posted 28 October 2018 - 08:02 PM
Please know that creating multiple accounts and characters throughout the event in order to get more rewards may result in items not going to ANY of the associated accounts as this is considered an attempt to exploit this event. Also be aware that discussing exploits of this kind is against our forum terms of use. If you have specific questions regarding this matter please send me a PM and I will be happy to clarify further. Further posts regarding exploiting in this thread will be removed.
Uh, what?
If you strong arm people into being silent about it, how exactly do you expect to become aware not only of an exploits existence, but the severity of such a thing? You expect everyone aware of a particular thing to make individual reports on good faith via the ticket system? The same ticket system that is easily overwhelmed to the point of there being an estimated 72 hour waiting period per response?
Not to make fun of the staff for enforcing the rules, but when exactly do you plan to catch up with the times and update the frankly archaic and obsolete 'rules' on speech and discussion. I mean that question quite seriously and not as a jab. The rules in place are draconian and out dated, inefficient but above all, they impede quality service and interaction.
I've made one observation and it's not an attempt to defame the staff but, well here me out. The more you make people be silent, the less aware you become as a CM. If the CM isn't aware of a problem, they can't relay it to the Development or Managing staff. If those staff are not aware, no solutions are investigated. Does that sound a little familiar? You had/have this process in place about the duplication exploit and were aggressively enforcing it early on after it's existence became a matter of public fact. Because of that hyper enforcement and quelling of discussion, the problem was never officially taken seriously early enough, and well, look at the game today. Players who don't read the forums, Avid fans and or addicts, and new players are the only customers, and half of them don't even understand there exists a problem. So they don't complain, and that results in a further positive feedback loop [reciprocating amplification, not positive as in good] exacerbating the problem.
All of this is greatly impacted by the existence of the obsolesced rule set at play.
Consider the options and outcomes; and I think you'll agree that being transparent and open to not only "feedback" but open discussion is much more profitable and conducive to a healthy and happy customer base. Also try to understand that only allowing positive "patting on the back" feedback is not what I'm talking about; but ALL feedback. I understand not allowing obscenities and vulgar swearing or threats etc, but if someone has a complaint you should let them speak. You should not only let them speak, but do so publicly in order to see how their complaints hold up in the public eye. Sometimes their complaints are simply an oversight or unintentional blunder; other times they have a legitimate concern and only then will others speak up allowing you to gauge the severity. ALL feedback [that is well constructed] is important, even discussions about exploits.
Posted 29 October 2018 - 01:34 AM
Uh, what?
If you strong arm people into being silent about it, how exactly do you expect to become aware not only of an exploits existence, but the severity of such a thing? You expect everyone aware of a particular thing to make individual reports on good faith via the ticket system? The same ticket system that is easily overwhelmed to the point of there being an estimated 72 hour waiting period per response?
Not to make fun of the staff for enforcing the rules, but when exactly do you plan to catch up with the times and update the frankly archaic and obsolete 'rules' on speech and discussion. I mean that question quite seriously and not as a jab. The rules in place are draconian and out dated, inefficient but above all, they impede quality service and interaction.
I've made one observation and it's not an attempt to defame the staff but, well here me out. The more you make people be silent, the less aware you become as a CM. If the CM isn't aware of a problem, they can't relay it to the Development or Managing staff. If those staff are not aware, no solutions are investigated. Does that sound a little familiar? You had/have this process in place about the duplication exploit and were aggressively enforcing it early on after it's existence became a matter of public fact. Because of that hyper enforcement and quelling of discussion, the problem was never officially taken seriously early enough, and well, look at the game today. Players who don't read the forums, Avid fans and or addicts, and new players are the only customers, and half of them don't even understand there exists a problem. So they don't complain, and that results in a further positive feedback loop [reciprocating amplification, not positive as in good] exacerbating the problem.
All of this is greatly impacted by the existence of the obsolesced rule set at play.
Consider the options and outcomes; and I think you'll agree that being transparent and open to not only "feedback" but open discussion is much more profitable and conducive to a healthy and happy customer base. Also try to understand that only allowing positive "patting on the back" feedback is not what I'm talking about; but ALL feedback. I understand not allowing obscenities and vulgar swearing or threats etc, but if someone has a complaint you should let them speak. You should not only let them speak, but do so publicly in order to see how their complaints hold up in the public eye. Sometimes their complaints are simply an oversight or unintentional blunder; other times they have a legitimate concern and only then will others speak up allowing you to gauge the severity. ALL feedback [that is well constructed] is important, even discussions about exploits.
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