I have a suggestion for the F7 mode system, a change to level restriction type: Say, in Valid Raeth F7 only levels 40-55 can enter. The idea is to keep the minimum level requirement the same, for obvious reasons, but allow levels higher than 55 to enter as well—however, if a player exceeding the max level enters, they receive no exp/loot (to remove system abuse issues). The purpose is to allow higher level players to simply be able to open, host, and build for lower level players, if they want to.
Many higher level players, myself included, would very much appreciate the ability to help other players, especially in the early stage of levels 40+ who struggle more, by hosting multiple F7 runs in locations they currently cannot enter—despite not gaining any exp/loot from it, which would remove any system abuse issues related to this idea. If I want to level myself, I'd simply go do my level-appropriate F7. But if I want to organize F7 runs for other players, I'd love to be able to do so without having to endlessly create separate characters for it, which takes away the time I could be spending helping other players level up instead.