Hi everyone, just a little suggestion about Sorcerer class (ah yeah! please pardon my "Engrish" I tried my best ), anyway played this class for quite long and really enjoy it. Also big fan of pvp, but the thing is...
Sorcerer main catching skill: Blizzard really need a fair buff.
_I did pvp many time and also tested with my friends before, I could missed something so feel free to point out. Also This is base on 1v1 PVP, group PVP is another story we don't focus about that here
_Now then! how Blizzard works? When you press the key, summon a small AOE that deal damage overtime to target that stand inside it with rather slow speed, each hit has 40% chance to freeze the target for 4 sec (5/5), I forgot how many hit this skill deal in total but it last about 5 sec. It can only hit target stay on the ground, IT CAN NOT hit target in air (actuallly it does, but you know? air here mean you being launch into the air not really when you jump into the air, like how most air combo in this game work), I'm sure I have no lag. when activate, skill not hit you immediately, it has about 0,4 sec delay before the first hit happen, mean that you can get out safe and sound if you fast enough, or just simply better > jump out. It has 7 sec cool down, zero cast time and its animation cancelable, mean that you can suddenly release it out of nowhere, and you can run away when you missed, almost no risk! Really high mobility.
_In terms of how Blizzard work. this skill is well balanced in my opinion, It high mobility, while all other sorcerer's skill require you to stand still for quite long, it give you Fair amount of time to react to it. and give the user less but fair the risk of being counter, for a catching skill it has 7 sec cool down is also acceptable. and the AOE is really ok, not too big but also not too small. and since it can't hit air you can counter it by jumping, but combine with Fire emblem (why it called fire emblem anyway???) it can be really danger to approach sorcerer.
_Sound great right? So why? Why Blizzard skill not so effective as it sound in 1v1 pvp where your opponent fully focus on you? And that is THE 40% CHANCE FREEZE!!! this rate is slow, unreasonable slow
the correct word here is not this skill not effective but rather it effect it not reliable, 40% mean that your opponent has 60% chance to escape? more than your chance to sucessfully catch them, this skill basically love your opponent than yourself a little, why? Why? why YOUR SKILL benefit for your opponent than yourselft?
_So! How do we fix? Make it into 70- 75 % success, is it too much? Is it? I think not
around 75% success rate is the standard success of many good catching skill like barbarian, rocket punch,... and do those catching skill broken? I think they don't, sure everyone here all agree it! So why give Blizzard that same rate is too much.
_Blizzard can hit mutiple time and each hit can freeze you so you got higher chance??? And since it hit you mutiple time and last for like 5 sec it's can trap you for like 9 sec in total, make it 75% would be too OP??? OK Here how I think about that.
IT NOT GIVE YOU HIGHER CHANCE, true Blizzard hit mutiple time more chance but its hit speed is slow 0,4 sec per hit if i not wrong, the skill not hit you all hit to give you "more chance" at all, unlike violent blow which is fast hit speed so low chance is reasonable (that skill is hitscan btw)! in this case? No way you gonna take all hit to give that higher chance a thing, you get hit by the first hit of Blizzard and lucky no freeze, what next? you get out of there of course? Why would you stand still for another hit? You being stuck in Fire emblem and then blizzard, that is you got catch and being combo, nothing wrong here, that's how pvp work! 75% is fair, no one will allow you to let Blizzard hit them 2 or 3 time for that higher chance. Btw some skill in this game even has 100% rate.........sure you know what are those right?
OK now the second point: THIS SKILL CAN TRAP YOU REALLY LONG, I agree, indeed. But will that make any different? Normally, what next when you caught someone with blizzard? hurry up and chill penguin and flame mammoth pepper and missile and fire emblem and a little X attack, that enough for opponent break free. If you can trap people longer with 75% all you can do is more X attack and maybe other skill like cloud and awakening which is trust me lower damage than just x attack..... what else we can do? We can't use any skill for a second time in combo because that is spam. Run away and buff, what buff? magician wisdom? awakening charge? Heal? Why you heal in 1v1 PVP???
_So as you see few extra x attack is the only thing you can do, i don't think will sundenly make Sorcerer become best DPS in this game at all, OK now if you some how still think few extra x is a big deal then how about this 75% ON THE FIRST HIT and then the rest 40% like normal???
_In PvE? you don't need to freeze them you just need to kill them and they are slow or don't even bother to get out at all, boss? you can't freeze boss anyway, no extra damage at all. nothing change in PVE
_Group PVP? 2 player is more than enough to do something unfair already or not even need 2 player at all.
_OK If you some how still disargee all my point, i would say 60% or 50%, not reasonable. but atleast it's fair for both side (right???????) but 40%??????? Just absurd! Just ridiculous
alright guy that's it, i'm tired too not so good at english yet have to write wall text like that is really crazy ..... Sorry for that wall text but I really just want to bring all of my point and also my honset opinion about this. Hope you guy take time to read ( please don't ignore ) feel free to comment and tell me if i missed something, really appreciate! After all i really enjoy this game and my class Sorcerer but seing it somewhat underwhelming compare to other class is just feel really unfair and I believe this change is possible for the dev team right now right? These a lot more skill I really want to talk about, this class and even other class but ok enough, enough, enough then have a good day (or night) everyone!!!
Edited by NullNullNull, 29 October 2018 - 06:32 AM.