Protector. When will this class rise from its knees? Fewer people play for him. Bosses are so simple that they are killed by mages without a tank. Strengthen skills, enhance lure abilities. The farther new weapons appear and the more like that, the worse this class feels.

Posted 14 November 2018 - 08:07 PM
Posted 17 November 2018 - 08:35 PM
Taunt should cap all DMG, what's the point otherwise.
Give Protectors more DMG as well ,all the casters have it anyways, and no one complaints.
Just show melees some love ffs. Make this game skill only, no AA.
Change CAD to add to melle skill crit, and CritChance to work with melee skills, turn off AA completly.
Posted 17 November 2018 - 09:04 PM
The protector needs to increase the number of goals in provoking abilities, in all three (even the one with one target)! And their strength is correspondingly. Revise the shield blocking system. To block some part of the magic. Also, characters with a 100% chance of a critical attack often hit ignoring my 100% block, the animation doesn't even work.
Posted 17 November 2018 - 11:27 PM
Magic is Over Power that Supposed to be melee need much high Dmg than Magic. Magic can cause of Mass Targeting Ability they not need huge Dmg.
Melee can hit only a few Per Skill While The Magic Caster Can Cast 1 AoE with a Multiple Dmg Per Seconds and not Fair to Melee
Should be melee have great Dmg or DoT that can cause a Continous Dmg Per Second to Deal the same as Magic
Skill on Melee need to change adjustment of DMG or Magic Caster Decreasing skill DMG
So the Point is Stats and Build Will make the More Dmg and Build Properly For Decent Damage. Even melee have Decent Enchantment and Gear they still Nerf compare to Magic Caster . they Die on AoE in just 3 - 4 secs. while the Melee Cant Kill a Caster in A Secs. that supposed to be melee have a stronger than Magic
Also the Issue is Protector Hostility is to low that's why Damage per seconds of the AoE of Caster can steal the Aggressive of the mobs
Taunt should Be higher a Twice of dmg of an caster.
also raiding no need tank cause Caster can heal them selves instantly fill the HP back into Full
defense stats on caster should Be reduce to perform that every Caster need a Protector or a back up
this game will running into SOLO dungeon now a day 5 - 10 minutes on single Voxyon dungeon.
TRH can do solo too with 10 - 15 minutes
Edited by NiggaTurrle, 17 November 2018 - 11:35 PM.
Posted 18 November 2018 - 03:37 AM
The protector should not cause damage. He is a class of support. Therefore, you need to strengthen his supporting skills! Damage and can not speak.
Posted 18 November 2018 - 08:40 AM
I hope this topic can get the attention of Helium and his team. I myself found my protector a little bit useless in both RAID and PvP. Aggro can easily get by the class with the highest damage in the party and protector cannot do anything about it because Taunt, Taunting Cry and Lowblow are all useless.
@spider333 - AA cannot be removed completely because it will break another classes. Mostlikely assassins, zerks, SRs and rangers. Also, a mere adjustment to a Protector class cannot be made by helium and his team and you are expecting them to touch more? NEVER.
This 3 Major skill has to be adjusted.
1. Low Blow - Increase Hostility and also increase the damage because protector's damage are really left behind. (Will also help the protector keep the aggro).
2. Taunting Cry - Increase Hostility in which even the class on PB with 20k damage could not take the aggro from the Protector.
3. Taunt - Just increase hostility (Would also be good if this skill can pull player / mob from a specific distance to 4m closer).
4. Lithifying Fog - REMOVE THE CASTING TIME! MAKE IT INSTANT! We are not casters so why cast for 2 secs. DECREASE SKILL COOLDOWN!! WHY THE HELL COOLDOWN IS 2 FRIGGIN' MINUTES? This skill is suppose to use when the boss casts AOE stuns.
Posted 21 November 2018 - 01:01 PM
It is very difficult for them to increase the skills aggro, it would be very easy to steal mobs for the trolls.
So if you want to use your protec just take the boss agro 5 min.
In these times it is an unused class, mystic can do everything.
Edited by DuoHC, 21 November 2018 - 01:02 PM.
Posted 22 November 2018 - 03:58 PM
The protector should not cause damage. i can not speak....yarp
this is the worst idea ive ever heard... prot is balance
all taunts should do light damage equal to taunt amount.
heal over time can target enemy equal light/wind DOT.
Posted 24 November 2018 - 10:14 PM
Edited by 5068160314113359707, 28 November 2018 - 10:44 PM.
Posted 24 November 2018 - 10:15 PM
It is very difficult for them to increase the skills aggro, it would be very easy to steal mobs for the trolls.
So if you want to use your protec just take the boss agro 5 min.
In these times it is an unused class, mystic can do everything.
And now other classes cannot mean pick up and also lead away? Think twice before writing a comment.
Posted 02 February 2019 - 11:46 PM
Prot Darkest set
MND and SCAD should increase per reinf
All Taunt aggro should be increased, no player should be able to take the boss from Tank... you killing the class purpose.
Edited by BioElesis, 02 February 2019 - 11:51 PM.
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