I am writing the post here to give some small suggestion out to our lovely GM of RO2
Hope you guys will consider this
First of all, it's about the GUILD GUIDE. I think a good guild guide is pretty much of vital importance, to keep things clear
and it helps new players a lot.
A good guiding or navigating of guild can lend new players some basic support in their gaming
If someone is guildless and looking for a guild. I suggest, list all the guild on the page when we press 'Guild' in our hotkey.
It gives us plenty of choices to pick a guild we want to join.
Of course, guild owner can set up some rules or criteria to accept or block the applicants.
The other one is, guild quest.
It's good to facilitate the guild activities and its some daily stuffs that the guild can do everyday
Setting up the difficulty to achieve some rewards like zeny, exp, master point, or some guild fund.
Guild fund, it's slightly different than the money we store in our guild storage
Every guild members who attend or complete a guild quest can acquire active point and guild fund
By the active point, guild leader can view whom being active today or beneficial the guild.
Guild fund is something accomplishment to the members.
By gaining some guild fund, everybody can exchange items from the guild shop or npc
(like +8 refine stone, guild coin, costume, potion etc.) Reset the guild shop or npc every one week or maintenance or one month whatever.
I think GM should take this seriously since its been 5 years, but there is none information about advancing on the guild system or any other improvement.
Just in my opinion, sometimes its pretty hard for new players to search for a guild
They are new in RO2, they have no idea what guild are existing, this might help them to get into a guild easier
In the other hand, the guild owner can also check the status of members in more detail. And more contents, more fun.
If we can check the last online day of members, that would be great.
Just some small opinions hope GM will look at this
Keep ro2 awesome.