Hello GMs and all players
I was checking the stats on all "Legendaries" and for some reason only Wand and Staff have SCAD, the i believe the Duals have a little too, lower than MDC.
I would just like to know if this will ever be fixed for all other weapons,
1h Sword
2h Sword
1h Axe
2h Axe
1h Bludgeon
2h Bludgeon
Claw -
All those weapons are missing CAD SCAD, if i may say, all should have a standard amount around 500 CAD/SCAD
Its unfair that only mages get High SCAD but no melees.
AA melee classes:
Commi, Zerker, Sin, SR, Ranger, Avenger
SS melee classes:
Commi, Prot, Zerker, Sin, WL, Avenger
All legendary weapons for this classes need a boost in both CAD/SCAD as required by class/weapon.
Community, players, this will never happen if you stay quiet, please like and comment, lets make this happen!