January 31st Ragnarok RE:START Maintenance - News & Events - WarpPortal Community Forums

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January 31st Ragnarok RE:START Maintenance

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#1 Xealot


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Posted 30 January 2019 - 03:36 PM



January 31st, 11:00AM - 6:00PM PST



  • Janeway is changed to check for Job Level in addition to Base Level
  • Edit: Increase drop rate of Monster Tokens.


  • Monster Tokens Event continues
    • New Event Reward: Daily ore-free refine attempt using Monster Tokens and Zeny. Maximum refine obtainable from this method is +7. Item will not break or degrade from this refine NPC. Can only be performed once every 20 hours. NPC located in Al De Baran (aldeba_in 99 164).
  • Lunar Festival (payon 241 90) continues
  • Jump Event (izlude 214 124) continues
  • Spotlight Event continues! From January 16th, 2019 to February 13th, 2019, Izlude Water Dungeon will have the following benefits:
    • +100% EXP/Drops
    • +50% Extra Spawns
  • Raffler is in Prontera
  • Big prizes are in Bold. Updates are in Red.
    • Beelzebub Wing Box (1)  /  Strawberry (1-20) - 31,000z
    • Dress Hat (1) / Witch Starsand (1-10) - 60,000z
    • Silvervine 100 Box (4) / Alcohol (1-10) - 150,000z
    • HE Bubblegum (5) / Blue Herb (1-40) - 100,000z
    • Poison Bottle (5) / Karvodailnirol (1-5) - 500,000z
    • HE Battle Manual (2) / Immortal Heart (1-10) - 50,000z
    • Fish In Mouth (1) / Fabric (1-10) - 60,000z
    • Rideword Hat (1) / Mermaid's Heart (1-10) - 25,000z
    • Enriched Elunium / Rough Elunium (1-20) - 450,000z
    • Enriched Oridecon / Rough Oridecon (1-20) - 450,000

Cash Shop


  • Tune into our next livestream Crazy Uproar over at twitch.tv/warpportal on Tuesday, February 12 at 3PM PST! Each stream we're giving away FREE 7-Day VIP Codes! To learn more about how to redeem them on stream, click here! Astra edit: VIP codes are done, thank you all for participating in the past streams!!

*Silvervine System


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#2 AreaCode562


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Posted 30 January 2019 - 08:57 PM

Please check janeway doesn’t work for trans. -_-
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#3 ph34r


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Posted 31 January 2019 - 12:59 AM

What is this Izlude water dungeon and how to get there?


Also, can we merge this server with Ragnarok Classic?

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#4 Wyndor


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Posted 31 January 2019 - 12:32 PM

Why are you trying to merg with a server that has spent a decade collecting mvp cards n God items lol? How do you see this as an improvement?

It won't happen for obvious reasons other than what I mentioned but what runs through people's heads making suggestions like this?

People don't care to play here cuz woe is bad, bgs are dead and economy is a joke. I have explained how to fix woe n bgs many times and we have been waiting for months for a slotted mid zeny sink which hasn't even been mentioned for a very long time.

Edited by Wyndor, 31 January 2019 - 12:36 PM.

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#5 Finagle


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Posted 31 January 2019 - 01:35 PM

My numbers might be off, but if we only get Jumping Janeway quests until 50/50 for non-trans, we're getting a jump of about 0.048% (less than 1%) of the total EXP from base level 1 non-trans to 99 base trans. Compared to renewal it seems where you get jumped to starting 3rd class for about 1.2% of the total EXP from base level 1 non-trans to 175 3rd class.


I'm not sure it was intended to be only non-trans and only max levels of 50/50, but to be more in-line with the seemingly purpose of the event compared to renewal, maybe allow VIP accounts to jump to trans (99/50) and then limit the levels for Trans to 50/50.

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#6 AreaCode562


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Posted 31 January 2019 - 02:14 PM

My numbers might be off, but if we only get Jumping Janeway quests until 50/50 for non-trans, we're getting a jump of about 0.048% (less than 1%) of the total EXP from base level 1 non-trans to 99 base trans. Compared to renewal it seems where you get jumped to starting 3rd class for about 1.2% of the total EXP from base level 1 non-trans to 175 3rd class.


I'm not sure it was intended to be only non-trans and only max levels of 50/50, but to be more in-line with the seemingly purpose of the event compared to renewal, maybe allow VIP accounts to jump to trans (99/50) and then limit the levels for Trans to 50/50.



Totally agree on this one.  :lv:

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#7 ad0l


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Posted 31 January 2019 - 03:20 PM

My numbers might be off, but if we only get Jumping Janeway quests until 50/50 for non-trans, we're getting a jump of about 0.048% (less than 1%) of the total EXP from base level 1 non-trans to 99 base trans. Compared to renewal it seems where you get jumped to starting 3rd class for about 1.2% of the total EXP from base level 1 non-trans to 175 3rd class.


I'm not sure it was intended to be only non-trans and only max levels of 50/50, but to be more in-line with the seemingly purpose of the event compared to renewal, maybe allow VIP accounts to jump to trans (99/50) and then limit the levels for Trans to 50/50.


this ^ please

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#8 Finagle


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Posted 31 January 2019 - 03:40 PM

i think the monster tokens drop rate is fine the way as is! i already see many bots farming items, imagine if they could farm monster tokens as well! And also, it should keep as char bound!

and in my opnion, 1 week was enough time for the janeway event, it's starting to look like a private server! 

whether you like or not, grinding is part of the game



I think the monster token drop rate was fine too, but for certain classes of character I can see why the increase is desirable.



I don't play on private servers, so I'm not sure what you mean that RE:Start is starting to look like a private server, please elaborate.


I don't disagree that grinding is part of the game. I have played RO off and on since it was in beta. A lot of players who have returned to RO for the nostalgia and chose the RE:Start server are going to have a difficult time honestly with the way the economy has developed. I believe if you can get them to a satisfactory point where they can go out and farm the items/gears they need they can start contributing to the market, which will increase supply, lower demand, and decrease prices which will be encouraging to newer players to not be overwhelmed by the market (in combination with a massive Zeny sink - like slotted sunnies/elven ears).


The Janeway event is not required, you can still choose to grind - but the current 50/50 limit on this server is like maybe an hour of grinding on the Porcellio map with VIP rates despite the bots you find there. I've run into players who don't even know where Izlude is, much less the Janeway NPC.

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#9 VModCoconut


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Posted 31 January 2019 - 03:54 PM

Please check janeway doesn’t work for trans. -_-

This is intended. I've spoken with Campitor who has said it would feel weird to not be able to boost to 99 but after trans suddenly be able to use Janeway again.

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#10 Magus


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Posted 31 January 2019 - 04:31 PM

Server is open.

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#11 Finagle


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Posted 31 January 2019 - 05:01 PM

Server is open.

Just did a re-install, still getting "Checking server now." Ragial seems to be updating, is anyone else able to patch/login?
Edit: there we go.

Edited by Finagle, 31 January 2019 - 05:10 PM.

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#12 Litao


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Posted 31 January 2019 - 05:03 PM

Server is open.


um... is there a reason my patcher is still saying "checking server now" and not downloading anything?

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#13 Xealot


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Posted 31 January 2019 - 05:10 PM

It should be fixed now. 



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#14 Finagle


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Posted 31 January 2019 - 06:06 PM

Jumping Janeway NPC quest log issue:


An alt that previously did the Jumping Janeway quest to 50/1 9 (second class job level 1) now can talk to Janeway for the Thiefbug quest, and will be teleported to the Knight's guild for access to the Culverts - but the quest never gets added to the quest window/log, I leveled the job to 10 and tried Janeway again - still no quest update.


A different alt that I didn't use Janeway for was previously job 16, and Janeway gave the quests for Zombies/Boas/Thara Frog properly and got to job 50.


And now another alt for some reason has the novice grounds Janeway quest for 10/10 porings (which was finished previously), at job 19 - Janeway tells me about the Zombie quest and warps to Payon dungeon... but no actual Zombie quest.

Edited by Finagle, 31 January 2019 - 06:46 PM.

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#15 VModCoconut


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Posted 31 January 2019 - 07:57 PM

Jumping Janeway NPC quest log issue:


An alt that previously did the Jumping Janeway quest to 50/1 9 (second class job level 1) now can talk to Janeway for the Thiefbug quest, and will be teleported to the Knight's guild for access to the Culverts - but the quest never gets added to the quest window/log, I leveled the job to 10 and tried Janeway again - still no quest update.


A different alt that I didn't use Janeway for was previously job 16, and Janeway gave the quests for Zombies/Boas/Thara Frog properly and got to job 50.


And now another alt for some reason has the novice grounds Janeway quest for 10/10 porings (which was finished previously), at job 19 - Janeway tells me about the Zombie quest and warps to Payon dungeon... but no actual Zombie quest.


I've bumped this issue to Camp to check in on it.

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#16 Campitor


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Posted 31 January 2019 - 08:33 PM

Jumping Janeway NPC quest log issue:


An alt that previously did the Jumping Janeway quest to 50/1 9 (second class job level 1) now can talk to Janeway for the Thiefbug quest, and will be teleported to the Knight's guild for access to the Culverts - but the quest never gets added to the quest window/log, I leveled the job to 10 and tried Janeway again - still no quest update.


A different alt that I didn't use Janeway for was previously job 16, and Janeway gave the quests for Zombies/Boas/Thara Frog properly and got to job 50.


And now another alt for some reason has the novice grounds Janeway quest for 10/10 porings (which was finished previously), at job 19 - Janeway tells me about the Zombie quest and warps to Payon dungeon... but no actual Zombie quest.

Should now be fixed.

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#17 Finagle


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Posted 01 February 2019 - 07:11 AM

Should now be fixed.


Tested on all characters that had the issue, all now job 50. Thank you.

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#18 ph34r


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Posted 04 February 2019 - 07:12 AM

Why is Jumping Janeway of Restart giving only 50 base to non-trans, whereas in renewal, its giving levels upto trans 99/70??


At least provide non-trans 99/50 to really make it a jumping janeway event!

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#19 VModCoconut


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Posted 04 February 2019 - 08:40 AM

Why is Jumping Janeway of Restart giving only 50 base to non-trans, whereas in renewal, its giving levels upto trans 99/70??


At least provide non-trans 99/50 to really make it a jumping janeway event!

99/70 is only a small part of the game in renewal where the max level is 175/60 3rd jobs.

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#20 Finagle


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Posted 04 February 2019 - 09:48 AM

99/70 is only a small part of the game in renewal where the max level is 175/60 3rd jobs.


Renewal also toned down the exp required for pre-3rd class leveling significantly.


Players like to try different classes and find the right fit for them, or have alts that will benefit them by having wider options to bring specific skills to a party. It also means they can try out different maps, farm for gears/drops better and make the market more friendly toward newer/returning players.


If a small group of players had more options available to them they will be more engaged and will stick around longer and make the server more lively because when other players see that, they'll want to join in on the fun and keep it going. I don't look back on RO and the years I used to play it for the grinding, I enjoyed it most for the guildies I met and the camaraderie we shared.


I'd say pre-trans is only a small part of the game in RE:Start. When reintroducing events like Jumping Janeway, It's about looking at what there is to gain, what's there to lose, and finding a balance that gets the best possible outcome. Just getting to transcendent is far from the end-game. The game isn't limited to just leveling, if it was everyone who reaches the level cap on all their character slots would just quit wouldn't they? The game to me is about seeking out new challenges and making new friends, not grinding the most efficient exp/hour over and over on different characters - but hey, maybe it is for some people.  :dunno:

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#21 ph34r


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Posted 05 February 2019 - 02:08 AM

99/70 is only a small part of the game in renewal where the max level is 175/60 3rd jobs.


Ok then at least make 99/50 for pre-trans out here. Add more monster hunts to it if u want. Make it challenging a bit like you have done it in Ragnarok1. I won't ask anything for trans as there is already a lot of bounty boards to support it! Please think! This might bring back all the players to at least get their chars to trans. They might quit again but at least they will do Jumping Jane event!  :rice:  I havent seen such an empty jumping jane event in ragnarok ever!  :yawn:

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#22 de1ls0n


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Posted 05 February 2019 - 03:17 AM

it's no use, no one wants to play more on this server, the trade is extremely broken, about 99.99% of the players are bot, have zenny and duplicate items, the staff has already abandoned the server not banning bots, close it server soon the best thing you do.

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#23 ph34r


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Posted 05 February 2019 - 03:54 AM

Which server to play then? Ro1 is going above my head and classic is similar to this?
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#24 ad0l


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Posted 05 February 2019 - 04:26 AM

Ok then at least make 99/50 for pre-trans out here. Add more monster hunts to it if u want. Make it challenging a bit like you have done it in Ragnarok1. I won't ask anything for trans as there is already a lot of bounty boards to support it! Please think! This might bring back all the players to at least get their chars to trans. They might quit again but at least they will do Jumping Jane event! :rice: I havent seen such an empty jumping jane event in ragnarok ever! :yawn:

I agree on this , pre trans is kinda hard to level it but there is a backfire on this it will make a (a lot) dozen of bots lurking around and what's worse even you file a ticket its not easy to solve even we have a replay video , im starting to think that we who complain about bots at support site are nothing but hindrance and disturbance for them , anyway lets leave it as it is ...

Edited by ad0l, 05 February 2019 - 04:27 AM.

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#25 ph34r


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Posted 05 February 2019 - 08:51 AM

More Players = More Bots [If janeway is done right then this will happen]


Less Players = Less Bots [Current scenario]


Bots will come even without janeway. [Fact]


Keeping a tough quest for janeway might avoid bots but still they can be banned. [Solution]


The purpose of Janeway is to get more players on equal stage to increase fairplay and add more fun by adding more population to the server. [Purpose]


This purpose is lost as Janeway ain't giving much levels for pre-trans. [Verdict]


I really wonder who sits behind planning events on Restart?!? I wish the same people who plan everything on Renewal focused on Restart for sometime.

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