Well i got this little list of suggestiond and stuff would like to get fixed and also some question and prefered to put everything in 1 post lol
so is in no special order or anything
1.- Make the guild storage bigger pls, is so small also you cant move items once they are in the storage, it can be fixed?
2.- Fire starter skill for wizard is extra weak, like totally useless making inferno skill useless too, just give it the same damage formula that the DoT from priest xD idk but something for years wizards have been asking that
3.- Bring back the old load screen and music of ro2, just change the old logo of Lot2 for the AoV, everyones loves that screen and music
4.- OMG pls pls gives us the chance to change the "basic bag" for any other bag, i need more space and having that litle unchangeable basic bag is anoying 

5.- Change the Pyramid pls, been the same sin xmas, change it each month like before, when is not even with little usefull things like ultrasuperlargebag or exclusives pyramid costumes like the guitars and stuff anything but change it
6.- Same with Pyramid pls put some kind of box with Mounts, like 75% chance 30 days mount 25% chance perma mount
7.- Let us refine ranger quiver, why is the only one in the game that u cant refine? also ranger is already extra weak
8.- Why does Dodge rate always shows as 0 ?
9.- Give us a reason to visit midgard
, you got like 0 reason to go to places like garden of baphomet, Abaddon of despair, Culver of abyss etc. some class quest lead you there but just a few. would be nice if every class to change rank would have to kill the bosses in all of those 3. but what about Assassin sanctum, silent corridor, himmelmez chamber? there are no reason to go there, no motivation, u get nothing. most people dont even know himelmmez dragon and is amazing, there should be raids there at least 1 a day, or give all those bosses and extra drop that make people go there even to leech :3

and ill like to know, are we getting new stuff? is there any chance? like ml50 gear or anything?
thx for read :3