Works fine for me, how did you test this?
Damage didn't change from grade D to grade C, already sent a ticket and they confirmed there's an issue in regards to Grade C.
Posted 18 March 2024 - 05:39 PM
Works fine for me, how did you test this?
Damage didn't change from grade D to grade C, already sent a ticket and they confirmed there's an issue in regards to Grade C.
Posted 26 March 2024 - 12:03 AM
Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Costume Bloody Vicious Stop (costume, middle headgear)
Location (if applicable): n/a
Type of Issue (choose): Function, I guess
Describe the issue: Unable to equip costume despite it saying for all classes and level required is 1. And I think it's a Doram thing because non-Dorams can wear it perfectly...
Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):
Kinda sad since I just got it yesterday...
Edited by OnionSalad, 26 March 2024 - 12:08 AM.
Posted 26 March 2024 - 08:20 PM
Edited by VanishingPoint, 26 March 2024 - 09:00 PM.
Posted 28 March 2024 - 10:26 AM
Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: n/a
Location (if applicable): Alberta
Type of Issue (choose): Function, I guess
Describe the issue: I Change Job from HP to AB but my base lvl didnt change so I cant continue leveling I need Help
Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):
Edited by Aome22, 28 March 2024 - 10:29 AM.
Posted 28 March 2024 - 05:45 PM
Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: n/a
Location (if applicable): Alberta
Type of Issue (choose): Function, I guess
Describe the issue: I Change Job from HP to AB but my base lvl didnt change so I cant continue leveling I need Help
Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):
visual issue, just keep killing things
Posted 01 April 2024 - 05:48 AM
Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Bearer's Shadow Armor Set
Location (if applicable): Everywhere
Type of Issue (choose): Function
Describe the issue: Don't have Endure skill after total refine 45
Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):
I am experiencing the same thing. Character is flinching whilst taking damage, where it should not be the case with Endure buff applied. The visual buff indicator for endure appears, but the character still flinch when receiving damage.
Posted 23 April 2024 - 07:45 AM
Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Mythical Moonlight Paw
Location (if applicable): N/A
Type of Issue (choose): Function.
Describe the issue: Grade C effect not being applied (15% Magic Damage to all sizes)
Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable): N/A
Hello? Warpportal?
Posted 24 May 2024 - 03:26 PM
Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Pets
Location (if applicable): none
Type of Issue (choose): Pets disappearing even when fed and loyal
Describe the issue: My incubus was at full hunger and nearly Loyal but it suddenly vanished and I no longer have the egg for it or any means of getting it back or the effects it gives.
Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):none
Posted 06 November 2024 - 07:22 AM
Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Explosion Blaster
Location (if applicable): -
Type of Issue (choose): Function
Describe the issue: Explosion Blaster doesn't proc either HP Absorption or SP Absorbtion effect. I've been playing for hours since the 4th Class skill rebalance updates and still doesn't proc the effect once with Explosion Blaster.
Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable): -
Edited by AsprikaQ, 06 November 2024 - 07:23 AM.
Posted 06 November 2024 - 03:05 PM
Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Cheif's Quest - Kunlun location quest
Location (if applicable): Gonryun Dungeon map 1, 2 and 3.
Type of Issue (choose): collecting broken sword pieces is broken and quests seems impossible to be complete, its looks like a bug. Checked every spot on every dungeon map many times.
Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):
Posted 07 November 2024 - 06:39 AM
Edited by grandetbug, 07 November 2024 - 06:40 AM.
Posted 23 November 2024 - 06:06 PM
Thank you GMs for listening to our reports! Mine was resolved a while ago!
Here are some other bugs I've noticed, hoping to have them fixed soon!
Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Costume Fluffy Semi Long
Location (if applicable): N/A
Type of Issue (choose): Sprite
Describe the issue: Top headgear is clipped under the wig, same with mid headgear
Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):
Edited by Ferenice, 01 December 2024 - 07:44 PM.
Posted 24 November 2024 - 05:55 PM
Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Costume Evil Dark Druid Hat + Haunted Talisman, Halloween Event
Location (if applicable): any
Type of Issue (choose): Function.
Describe the issue:
Normally, the Costume Evil Dark Druid Hat will give you 10k additional Max HP when worn with the Haunted Talisman accessory during the Halloween Event. However, when I have my Skills tab open to add a new skill, once I add a point to a skill and click Apply, the second I hit the OK button I immediately drop 10k in health. Health will then be restored at the normal rate until it is back to normal.
Confirmed this does happen every time I apply a point to a skill and click OK.
Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable): N/A
Edited by 2414140813223641533, 24 November 2024 - 06:27 PM.
Posted 26 November 2024 - 06:24 AM
Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Spirit Cloak of Naght Sieger + Naght Sieger Card Combo
Location (if applicable): N/A
Type of Issue (choose): Stacking damage bug.
Describe the issue: When equipping and unequipping Spirit Cloak of Naght Sieger with a Naght Sieger Card, there is a stacking 1% boss class damage effect per equip and unequip. In addition, the amount of class damage provided by the combo and the transformation are both incorrect.
Posted 11 December 2024 - 02:12 AM
Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: The newbie "Mage" 1st job quest skill not received after change job at job location (not the academy direct change job)
Location (if applicable): Geffen Mage Guild
Type of Issue (choose): function
Describe the issue: As mentioned by the academy instructor for job change at Geffen shall granted free quest skill
Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):
Hi Admin,
The free quest skill for mage class change job did not function properly. I have done two times(delete character and do again), both the same that, the quest skill not activated/learned.
Posted 11 December 2024 - 04:15 AM
Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Mage 1st class quest bugged (whole quest line) and affect the main quest with leno/reno (repost with further details)
Location (if applicable): N/A
Type of Issue (choose): Function
Describe the issue: For novice change to mage class the auto created quest "Job change to Mage" not deleted after changed job. and the quest skill is not granted that change job at Geffen Mage Guild.
Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):,,,,
Novice go through a series of quest line at the Academy.
After that proceed change job to the Mage instructor -> warp to Geffen -> one NPC outside Geffen -> second inside Geffen near entrance -> 11 o clock Mage Guild -> Click the only NPC to change to mage class
1. The auto created quest "Job change to Mage" not deleted after changed job.
2. Suppose for after any 1st class change job, you will reported back to Sprakki at Izlude's Academy. This step also bugged. You not able to do it.
3. Resulting she will not bring up NPC Lime Evenor and that will granted player the Eden group equipments.
4. After talk to Lime Evenor, talk back to sprakki, she will bring up the quest to find Leno/Reno outside prontera. This also bugged because of the above bugged. This quest will not generated.
Posted 01 January 2025 - 12:16 AM
Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Juggernaut [1]
Location (if applicable): N/A
Type of Issue (choose): The slotted version has the same Fixed Cast Bug as the old non-slotted version
Describe the issue: Instead of having my instant cast speed(No Fixed Cast for Vanishing Buster), it is slower. I am not sure why it is still applied as 20% per level, since Vanishing Buster goes to level 10, that is 200% fixed cast reduction, yet the over value is causing a slow down, instead.
Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):
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