Hey guys, played this game way back when it was Requiem Bloody Mare. How is the game now? How active is it? Still a bit of people playing or is it quite dead? Thinking of playing again but I'm sure its changed 100% and I'd have to learn everything again and dont want to start if it's just going to be a barren waste land with like 1 or 2 random people around.
Started by
, Mar 29 2020 05:33 PM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 29 March 2020 - 05:33 PM
Posted 19 June 2020 - 11:03 PM
I guess 3 months with no reply answers my question?
Posted 20 June 2020 - 08:58 PM
Hi Stone, I am actually a player way back 2008 and came back around 2 months ago. If you ask the game if it changed? Yes and No. Yes because the level cap is now 90, when the last time I played it was 79. But the gameplay is still the same, and there are only minor changes. Is is active? Yes, plenty of people are raiding and nova is always populated with sellers and bystanders. The one thing that I observed is that the game is now hugely pay to win. When i played a decade ago, for four years I played with only one character (protector), and despite the length of time i played with it, i never get to unleash it full potential bec of the difficulty of obtaining the best gears. Now? With only a month of play, i was able to meta my mew protector (darkest and leg equips, jewels all +30), it was really OP.. and it was bec of the availbility of equips if u are willing to spend the money. Gone are the days of hard grinding and raiding... if you have the $$$, you can meta all classes in less than a month..
I would say that try playing again.. i was hooked again not bec it is the best mmorpg, but bec of nostalgia mainly.. and as of the moment i am enjoying it.
I would say that try playing again.. i was hooked again not bec it is the best mmorpg, but bec of nostalgia mainly.. and as of the moment i am enjoying it.
Posted 20 June 2020 - 09:54 PM
I appreciate your response. I'll still grind my way like old times due to I hate spending money on a game constantly. But if I can do it through in game currency that's different.
Posted 22 June 2020 - 06:03 PM
I can accompany you in your grind if you want, and maybe help you in some of your quests.. just give me a ring my toons are Lyxen02, Lyxen22, and BenKenobi22.
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