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Sven Mq Rebel Rambles

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#1 SvenMq


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Posted 12 July 2020 - 10:41 PM

'Sup. I'm Sven. I was born in Einbroch. Since forever I wanted to be an adventurer. The moment I heard there was an Academy for training adventurers, I was hyped.




I wasn't like those other clueless kids. I knew what my goal was. I want to be a Rebellion. So first step, graduate as Gunslinger. Oh hey babe



Exploring Eden Group. There was this punk ass AB talking shiit to me. Just wait sucker Imma get ya



The life of a noob is kinda boring, just studying and bullying Porings... but sometimes you get lucky!



After gaining experience from hunting and whatever, I am finally ready to graduate! To Einbroch!



Wow all the glorious talk about guns and uniform and I only ended up doing dumb errands for this old man.



FREE SPIRIT YEEEHAW that was shockingly easy


Now to train harder, faster, better!

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#2 OnionSalad


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Posted 12 July 2020 - 10:53 PM

Wowww Svenniiii~ so inspirationinggg! Meow likes this! :wub:

Makes me want to write too...

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#3 SvenMq


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Posted 13 July 2020 - 05:47 PM

Go write your Doram dailies!

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#4 OnionSalad


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Posted 13 July 2020 - 06:11 PM

Not want. Meow shy. :<

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#5 SvenMq


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Posted 13 July 2020 - 11:02 PM

So I later on teamed up with some adventurers I met. Funny things happened (like that inexplicable death when we stepped on one part of the grass), but we learned a lot.



Yeah as I travel, I start to be forced into situations that are just... plain weird...



Apparently a guy (who was a Beholder monster) needed help for relationship and asking me. Damn I can't even commit to anything lol. But anyway after convincing 10000 people about how "cute" Beholders are she finally liked the guy. Tbh I don't think she was really worth the hassle. I mean, damn, the Gunslinger chick back in Izlude was hotter. But the Beauty in the beholder whatever



Along the way, I picked up a stray Cat named Un in Prontera. This Un is now my bait for mobs. She can take a beating, so I drag Cat everywhere.



After some grueling leveling, we gone back to Izlude and found a line of Rebels. Seeing that uniform inspired me even more.



So I got up off my ass, sacrificed sleep for intense grinding and hell yeah REBELLION HERE I COME!



Edited by SvenMq, 13 July 2020 - 11:04 PM.

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#6 OnionSalad


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Posted 14 July 2020 - 03:21 AM

Ah, me made an appearance! That Beholder bit got me laughing.

And what is it with that grass at the orc place... x'D


Uuuu maybe one day I shares me stories too...

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#7 SvenMq


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Posted 15 July 2020 - 09:51 PM

Strange things be happening when you adventure... there must've been a trap there !!


Now... I'm ready to be part of the Rebellion... I just gotta figure out where they recruit.


Wait,  who the what now?!


b3179fd144c9685c44f247693aed33b9442f3630  b9e09383113ca29148d0d5b9a7fdc7b4547cb950


Ah shiit, gotta go clear my name. Ooh pretty Gunslinger. cUTE DOGE








Wait, !!! THIS IS --- !!!



Bruh that was inspiring.


And all of a sudden I had to do some tests like get the right steel, shoot the right target... actually I don't think I'm supposed to be telling people this



I kinda shot some extras without looking. Yknow it's hard to control my excitement.

Let's see...



Wew, I made it regardless. Heck yeah!!


One part of my goal is complete. I have joined the Rebellion! Time to go everywhere in this uniform...



ugh fack I'm so badass I'll be having a blast from now on, definitely :gg:




Edited by SvenMq, 15 July 2020 - 09:54 PM.

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#8 OnionSalad


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Posted 16 July 2020 - 12:45 AM

Ameowzing pictures! Especially that last one!

Svenni still has time to go nyaa-ing at girls even tough he's in danger, nyehhehehehhh~


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#9 SvenMq


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 02:19 AM

Ameowzing pictures! Especially that last one!

Svenni still has time to go nyaa-ing at girls even tough he's in danger, nyehhehehehhh~


She's the first thing I noticed on the airship !

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#10 SvenMq


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Posted 19 July 2020 - 01:13 AM

On my day off adventure, I decided to travel to Lighthalzen, check out the scene... I don't really like it here because Rekenber AND those slum pickpocketers.

Mm... nothing going on much here... But hey look, my dream pet! Hodremlin!




who what is talking to me










For some unknown reason I actually went to help him get the mats



So much for a fight... but hey I got this new stuff!!



Can't say that was the strangest thing to happen but oh well Pub is pub.

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#11 OnionSalad


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Posted 19 July 2020 - 06:19 AM

Hahaha so, you stole his necktie...!?

Also, why you hanging out with Rekenber researcher, nyaa...? o_O

Edited by OnionSalad, 23 July 2020 - 05:59 PM.

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#12 SvenMq


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Posted 21 July 2020 - 05:45 PM

The only thing that bonds me and Rekenber is hatred!!





Ok so I need some real adventure now that I'm all Rebel and badass... I brought Cat with me too because we aRE HUNGRY. HUNGRY FOR SOME THRILL!!!

:go: Crashin in every inn to find something... and then I came across this dude who looked like my friend.

But turns out I got the wrong guy, he started talking to me about some gangsters around and directed me to go see some guy.





AHA This sad dude needs help!



He says his other friends need help too.

Mm a damsel in distress?



Seems that they're a band of musicians who just got really unlucky and forced into terrible life situations so I have to get them out of their slavery.


I never lose at arm wrestling!



Here's the other member who's getting it rough.





My favourite pastime is helping people for worldly gains.










I'm doing this for the greater good k, helping oppressed people and all





The airship crashed. And I became... Fallen Angel.



I'm a high achiever, m8.



And so that concludes one fulfilling day of adventure. :ho:


Edited by SvenMq, 21 July 2020 - 05:50 PM.

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#13 OnionSalad


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Posted 22 July 2020 - 06:04 PM

Aaaaa look at us, we are cool! Cool photossss!

Me almost forgots about this adventure! So glad you have a coverage on it. Meow was still trying to get the hang of things in this new world.

Hmm... first you say, "My favourite pastime is helping people for worldly gains."
And they you say, "I'm doing this for the greater good k, helping oppressed people and all."

I suppose we will never know your true intentions... //squints//


Why you meowing so far away from Howard Mewn?


(Aiming cannons to the engine though... that was so badass.)

Edited by OnionSalad, 23 July 2020 - 06:00 PM.

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#14 SvenMq


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Posted 23 July 2020 - 06:43 AM

I got a habit of keeping distance from my target, yknow to get better aim and all... LOL

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#15 SvenMq


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Posted 23 July 2020 - 06:58 AM


I heard there was this Ash Vacuum thing so I decided to check it out. I had to go talk to the reps of the thing. Inevitable politics happened but hey I'm not big into that I just wanna explore the strange cracks and all.



Wow I'm in. There's lotsa people here, including some VERY nice ladies. Lemme casually show off my gun.



Sadly most places there were supposedly "beyond" me so I can't explore just yet. I guess that will be a talk for another time...

That sucks, so... I went to Amatsu for some sushi. I brought Cat along because Cat likes sushi. Then this chick was like begging us to talk to her or something and she continued ranting to us... so...



Turns out it's a sword that went missing. I took a picture of where I found the sword, but strangely the picture shows as an empty photograph. Suspicious... The sword was found broken. So we had to get some materials for a Master Swordmaker to repair it. When that's done, all that's left is... who stole the sword in the first place??!

Time for some investigation! I could get used to this detective work.







After sniffing every corner, tumbling down the stairs, accidental step on Cat tail and boom booms, we were led to this creepy old guy who unsurprisingly tried to kill us!



Cat died but Cat have 9 lives so it ok, because ultimately... We did it! With all things cleared up, they can get married! And what we got in return was... an onigiri... on our heads.



Now who the hell were they again?

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#16 OnionSalad


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Posted 23 July 2020 - 05:58 PM

This one funny post, nyaahahaha~ xD Meow likes.

Edited by OnionSalad, 23 July 2020 - 05:58 PM.

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#17 SvenMq


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Posted 26 July 2020 - 06:11 PM

One day, I fell asleep on a bench in Geffen and woke up in Geffenia. Wew. Bixch this is lit.



Edited by SvenMq, 26 July 2020 - 06:12 PM.

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#18 OnionSalad


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Posted 27 July 2020 - 04:25 PM

Wish there was a react option in this forum... Then me would have haha this.


Once, I sat at that bench and the portal opened. Meow got up to leave, tried to evade it; but it sucked in me tail and whoosh. Me become a ded in Geffenia.


But one day, I plan to treturn and sing, "But the cat came back the very next day~~" :gg:

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#19 SvenMq


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Posted 30 July 2020 - 06:12 PM

New day, new adventure. Cat and I went to Brasilis to get some candies, but we came across Agent York and wondered what he's up to...



Seems that the group is investigating a Murder Mystery. Hey wait, they look really familiar...



The mystery revolves around who killed Mr. Moneybags! The murder happened in the Brasilis Art Museum. We offered to help, so we went to interrogate people ... um I mean ask them stuff... starting with his wife!



And then we asked the Curator who told us to ask the Security Guard.



I see all.





Mm... more clues, sniff sniff...





The house looked really shiitty. I got no choice but to continue sniffing around though. Everything here looks suspicious af.



Mild panic arises when everything there's a riddle and I'm worlds dumbest idiot, lol







Aha! We're on to something!



Of course, this old woman couldn't have done it, but the Curator says yeah... but between the 2, the Curator has suspect written all over him. I mean, just look at him! Old creepy guy in some Museum...



After some wild goose chase in the Museum and to Brasilis fields, we got the lil sucker!



Justiiice!! Yeah and I had to uh... pick up... the broken pieces of the locket... in the freakin drain... to help out the poor woman after that...


Edited by SvenMq, 30 July 2020 - 06:18 PM.

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#20 OnionSalad


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Posted 31 July 2020 - 05:39 PM

Whoaaa nice coverage on the murder mystery, Svenni! Thanks for refreshing me meowmery.
And to suspect the Curator just because he old and in museum... not very wise but works in this case... x'D

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#21 Kriztal0202


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Posted 01 August 2020 - 04:47 PM

This. is. cute.


Edit: I mean bada$$

Edited by Kriztal0202, 01 August 2020 - 04:48 PM.

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#22 SvenMq


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Posted 03 August 2020 - 10:46 PM

if it ain't cool, I don't do it :gg:

Edited by SvenMq, 03 August 2020 - 10:49 PM.

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#23 SvenMq


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Posted 07 August 2020 - 08:47 PM

So, some guy was screaming in Prontera about the Royal Banquet and the word "Banquet" caught my ears. This means free food for esteemed Midgard Adventurer like me? :gg:

But when I got in, it seems that I had to meet the Royals first. Since this could be good PR, I went with it and put up with their long speeches. That sulky boy is Nihil.



And here are the Roegenbergs. There are others but I am lazy to write them, like 7 whatever




And the Wigners... (oh pretty boy and sister aint pictured here mmm)

They managed to take this opportunity to turn me into errand boy so Okay FINE since the rooms not that far, and I skipped leg day the other time, I'll just do these shady dealings. They could've done it themselves though but I guess their time is really made of gold ...



It's like taking sources from reddit or sth



Ooooho badass kids. They make me as object for them to use, just because I'm mildly curious and have free time to listen to rumours... fine.



Along the way while tryna get info, I'm being forced into kitchen to do peasant lady work. Sometimes I wonder why I exist.







Well, putting that aside... I was invited to join the Ritual of Blessing (on empty stomach), for the coronation of Peter. But then bad guys came... then I know why I am here.



You're welcome.



What I gathered thus far is that: bad guys came to take the Ymir's Heart Piece but found out it's fake. Turns out even the Star of Blessing which would do some stuff with the Heart Piece, is also fake. Bottom line, these royals are plastic and bad guys felt cheated but they came to destroy everything anyway. LOOT EVERYTHING LEAVE NOTHING!! How they came? Drunken Nihil showed them da way. I wasn't there with Nihil cuz I was too busy in the feeekking kitchin. You can guess my next move as prestigious Adventure with experience in Detective work...



Aw damn Peter about to get Disney Death.



So ok they can go get their shiit together while I'm gonna check out the reddit kids... I mean local news.





Back to palace to tell them an edited version of the truth and now they in a shook.
Also shut up Brigitte this is serious moment!!!



Ahh I get this Myer, he's like that Revolution kid in Les Misérables, coming from wealthy/influencial family but tryna be in with the normies...



Also half the time I keep thinking, this guy looks like my dad and now he says sth my dad would've said.



Wait, wtf is this again?



So this is where the gossip highlight Helmut's chilling out these days... he just wanna protecc people. Boi, Come back, your bro done sh!t and wants you back.



Back in the Wigner room, they're having some sibling comparison problems with sad sister. Goes to show Royals also have normal problems.

Also pls ignore that fan girl //facepalm



Along the side, I'm just casually investigating Isenam's death and why his Knight wasn't around when he died, and to straighten things out about the knight to Isenhonor. Damn these Drama Kings and Queens. smh. //But what really happened was much much deeper (Successor to the Throne quest). I heard that he wanted Gaebolg guy to succeed the throne, so he had to eliminate himself.



Back to the investigation of Ritual of Blessing, we found out we could time travel to the past to see what the heck was going on. (ya know, the thing about the Ymir Heart Piece being there) This is so that we could check out what was written in a book (that book needed verification test, so who else but me to go back to the past to see "the truth" and read the book?!)

I met these 2 chicks. I'm more of the blue type. Yeah. She got that Mountain Wolf thing going on. Awooooooooooo!



Turns out some Sarah Irene stole the real Ymir Hear Piece long ago. Also I had to defeat her pet, Bijou. Half the time through these time travels get me thinking: THEY CAN SEE ME?!



So, it can be said about the Heart Piece, that history repeats itself. Except that in the present, fake Heart Piece broke already thanks to bad guy and now we gotta find where the heck they took the crown. Fakking pirates!!!

Edited by SvenMq, 07 August 2020 - 09:01 PM.

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#24 OnionSalad


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Posted 07 August 2020 - 09:08 PM

Ah, me sorry about Brigitte, she is so carefree... heh heh heh... :ani_swt3: And wew, those kids in Prontera are sure something...

Mmm~ I managed to get me paws on some of that Poring Jelly in the kitchen... and a blep on the Grilld Gryphon DX... Ssshhh, pls don tell them.


Oh, Bijou not Sara Irene pet. She belong to Himmelmez. Who dat? Meow not know~ Maybe later later later later later we know.

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#25 SvenMq


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Posted 08 August 2020 - 02:09 AM

Ah, me sorry about Brigitte, she is so carefree... heh heh heh... :ani_swt3: And wew, those kids in Prontera are sure something...

Mmm~ I managed to get me paws on some of that Poring Jelly in the kitchen... and a blep on the Grilld Gryphon DX... Ssshhh, pls don tell them.


Oh, Bijou not Sara Irene pet. She belong to Himmelmez. Who dat? Meow not know~ Maybe later later later later later we know.


RIP IDk who is who anymore lol


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