Streaming Ragnarok Paintings: What would you like to see? - Creative Contraptions - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Streaming Ragnarok Paintings: What would you like to see?

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#1 TerumiHanabi


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Posted 17 September 2020 - 04:50 PM

Hello everyone!


I have been playing Ragnarok since IRO blossomed into being, and I have recently begun showing my love by streaming a few paintings of ragnarok online monsters via Twitch. I have already painted a few of my favorites (Deviruchi, Loli Ruri, Poison Spore), but I would really love to branch out and paint other things that are dear to my fellow RO family members.


  Would anyone here happen to have thoughts on what you might like to see painted via Acrylic on canvas, watercolor or mixed media?


Although I currently paint monsters, I am very open to painting scenery/maps/cities, characters or scenes from events. If you have any thoughts or ideas, please share them, as it would be a great help and inspiration!


I would also curious to discover if larger or smaller paintings are more fun to see?


Please note that this is just a post for ideas and inspirations, so please do share them!


My Loli Ruri painting was much larger than the small Deviruchi seen above (this is the video of me paitning it):


Thank you for any thoughts!



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#2 Drupische


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Posted 20 September 2020 - 08:48 PM

Uh-oh! You may have posted this on the wrong forum. This is the Requiem forum, not Ragnarok Online.


But since you're looking for ideas, do you think you can paint an Angeling using watercolors? Thanks!


(BTW, that is a cute Deviruchi...or is that a Diabolic/Mini Demon?)

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