so recently i saw a pure DB RK hit over 1m damage Hundred spears with the new illusion pole axe, is he using MOT? people are just too prideful and don't share nowadays. If HS in fact does hit that hard without MVPs physical RKs might be legit now. I still see problems with agi up mvps and it seems hard to bypass def, i mean physical RK don't even have our version of enforcer shoes or imperial boots.

hundred spears hitting over 1m damage?
Posted 22 December 2020 - 06:35 AM
Posted 22 December 2020 - 12:19 PM
agi Ups mvp = Phreeoni Wings, x2 Verus Core.
Bypass = well, this is a bit difficult. x2 Blacksmith's gloves or Blacksmith gloves + PDM 54 Luck (95% piercing def)
Posted 22 December 2020 - 12:21 PM
I dont play RK but items in this game are not a secret..well lets go through possible equips
Headgear: +12 or higher ORC increase HS dmg
Middle Headgear: Sunglasses,Imperial Feather,Diabolus Wing
Lower Head Mob Scarf,Imperial Necklace,Toy Syringe
Armor: Abyss,nature,icefall,samael,illusion armor,diabolus armor,mighty black threaded armor
Weapon: +12 or Higher Illusion Pole Axe
Garment: FS FAW Wakwak,skin of ladon wakwak
shoes:Diabolus shoes,temporal str,illiusion shoes
acessories: temporal ring,pdm,blacksmith gloves
Bypassing Def there is mighty black thread armor,pdm,and blacksmith gloves if you dont wanna give up headgear slot for a 100% def bypass gear
Posted 22 December 2020 - 12:28 PM
Btw idk about STR skill RK but crit RK is definitely strong right now. In the future RK skills will be able to crit and crit build will basically be main build.
Posted 22 December 2020 - 02:10 PM
After thinking it over the cool down and casting time of RK skills is just too much to be able to spam skills. DB is the ultimate spamming AOE skill and if you also utilize Crits/Crush strike that don't miss, its probably more reliable than hundred spears even if you hit 1m per 1.5 seconds.
Posted 25 December 2020 - 07:56 PM
DB RKs dont sleep on hundred spear,with low str and stacking atk gears i was able to break 1m. eliminate FCT with ORC ME lvl 5 to be optimal for spam w/CS.
Posted 03 January 2021 - 04:48 PM
I saw some IB Rks on another server, is that viable on iRO yet? IB doing around 400k per with full set up
Posted 04 January 2021 - 06:34 AM
im pretty sure you can already achieve that here with OCP and trk cards.
but if they have the crit update, then we dont have that yet. full 3rd class skill rebalance isnt on iRO yet.
i want the new elements of DB
Posted 13 April 2021 - 07:05 AM
DB RKs dont sleep on hundred spear,with low str and stacking atk gears i was able to break 1m. eliminate FCT with ORC ME lvl 5 to be optimal for spam w/CS.
Uh does HS even have FCT? irowiki entry only shows it has 0.1 VCT at level 10
Edited by mikkotinamide, 13 April 2021 - 07:08 AM.
Posted 13 April 2021 - 01:59 PM
"to be optimal for spam w/CS"
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