Why am I struggling so much...? (help plz) - Newbie Zone - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Why am I struggling so much...? (help plz)

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#1 NecroWolf


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Posted 21 February 2021 - 01:00 PM

I'm at the point where i'm on the 'for my brother' mission where I must defeat Kunkah, but I just can't seem to beat him. I've been playing the game and upgrading my equipment where I can, but I seem to be struggling with that as well. I've been watching a youtube walkthrough but he seems to be doing SO much better and I don't know what I'm doing wrong or differently from him/the guide. I've been buying higher level equipment, but that doesn't do much for me. I can't enchant it because the game wants me to have my class upgrade in order to buy insurance scrolls, but in order to do that I have to do a mission thats even harder than the one I'm currently on. 

I really don't understand what I'm doing wrong and could REALLY use some help, please.

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#2 chrisbaby


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Posted 28 February 2021 - 06:32 PM

Yeah Kunka is really hard at that level, i can underline this. I'd tell you to write a ticket for this, because im to lazy for that  :D


Do you remember the HP for that level? Sanka was around 50k when u do 200 hits, that was somewhat doable but also taking time.. I think Kunka has over 100k while the damage doesnt increase that much.. + Kunka just became the old strength.. What classe are you playing?

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