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My first impressions after trying Ragnarok Mobile: Eternal Love

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#1 Vanderfluge


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Posted 12 March 2021 - 10:21 AM

Last night I tried Ragnarok Mobile: Eternal Love... And it was a VERY confusing experience.
The first thing I'm greeted with after logging in, is the character creation screen. I can choose between a whole lot of characters with names I don't recognize such as "Runemaster" "Saint" "Chronomancer"... and I'm like "What's this? Do you pick class before starting? No more novice start? And if so... are they all new classes?"
Tabbing out to do some research clarifies that this are the 4th ranks of the jobs we all know and that I had never seen before. Ok then, apparently "Begetter" is the one I'm supposed to choose. Got it. So I do, and customize the character's hair. Also, you now choose a class before starting the game, so no novice start, I presume.
The game starts and I'm... a novice? Well, I suppose the progression with job changes is preserved then, you just choose your desired path beforehand. There's no freedom to choose afterwards. I don't quite like that since I like the way job changes in RO are neatly integrated as part of the game world, but it's not a deal breaker since I always know ahead of time what will my character eventually become.
The game is really pretty and I like how the character designs stay true to the original designs. It really feels like the original game got a makeover. Cities  like Prontera are instantly recognizable with music and everything. The only original design I wish they had changed is the Geneticist outfit, ironically. I greatly disliked that outfit since RO. Like I told in my story playing RO, when I was an alchemist I designed my costume to look like a doctor, which was cool. When I turned into a Biochemist/Creator, I found a color combination that made him look so uncharacteristically elegant that I loved it, my favorite outfit/color combo probably. Then I switched to Genticist and cringed. The "mouths everywhere" theme is too outlandish for my taste. I feel they jumped the shark with this one.
The controls feel very good, thankfully Bluestacks binds the controls to the keyboard so I can walk around with the WASD keys as I would do in most games. Love the new perspective. Speaking of controls, I find it ironic that while in RO everyone complains about botting, and even homunculus, this game pretty much implements botting as a core mechanic. You can set skills to be used, specific monsters to be killed and let the program do it's thing. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I don't think the fact that it's mobile really makes the game distinct enough to take such a radically different approach on the matter.
Went through the Academy crash course, aced the tests, and then comes the time to... choose class? Didn't I choose class at the beginning of the game? What was that all about then? *Confusion intensifies*
Regardless of that apparently I can choose to jump straight to the third job (Geneticist in this case), or play normally from the start. I'm wondering if this is an oportunity  given only to your first character or if it's always an option.
I go to the trainer, confirm, and suddenly I have three jobs worth of skill points to invest in a semi-permanent system I have exactly zero knowledge about. Fortunately from what I have read, it's a little easier to get a skill reset in this game. However I choose not to touch the skill tree just yet. Then I'm prompted to go on a mission! I have to deal with Klulu, the climax of the tutorial I think.
So just before telling the guy in underwear that I'm ready to go, I decide I should be prepared and actually spend my skill points. I spent the following couple of hours (not lying) reading every skill description, since some names are the same as in RO, but the skill behaves differently. I tab out to try to find information, but interestingly enough, information on this game is hard to find. You can find cookie cutter builds, but I was unable to find in depth discussions about the skills themselves. Like how the Pharmacy skill works in this game, thoughts on the skills that increase stats to get a better sense of how much of a stat is considered good enough. I think there's not even a dedicated forum? Not sure. So my main source of information was youtube. I took a couple of builds as a guide, tweaked the results to my liking with my very limited knowledge and hoped for the best.
Some of the tweaks I made to the builds were things like the Call Homunculus skill. The builds I saw like to give it 3 points, because "Eleanor is the worst of the bunch". But I see that they also like to max Axe Hammer Mastery. The inner workings of the min-maxer brain will forever be a mistery to me, but if you tell me "For the cost of one skill point you can unlock a whole new character to play with and their own skills, or you can get +6 ATK" I think I can live just fine with 6 less ATK. I'm just thankful that I don't have OCD issues, which allows me to leave skills at uneven numbers, like 9/10.
Another issue I had here is that the language isn't clear enough sometimes. The toughest part of assigning my skill points was the skill line Acid Terror > Acid Demonstration > Powerful acid Demonstration > Improved Acid Demonstration and also Demonic Fire > Searing Storm > Fire Expansion. That's a whole lot of related skills, and some of them are confusing by the name alone. For example while in the original RO, Acid demonstration was a combined attack of acid + bottle grenade, here it's just the bottle grenade with no acid involved, what used to be just "Demonstration" originally. Some are confusing by their effects, for example "Powerful acid demonstration" is a passive that raises the damage of Acid Demonstration. But it is unclear if it affects "Improved Acid Demonstration" in any way, and since that's an independent skill, maybe Powerful Acid Demonstration isn't worth it other than as a prerequisite. Also Improved Acid Demonstration tells of a vague association with the Acid Terror skill for the VIT bonus. Some are confusing by their text, for example fire expansion states in the effect that it will consume an extra acid bottle and an extra "Somke Bottle" but in special cost it states: 2x Acid Bottle, 2x Bottle Grenade, so I assume Somke Bottle and bottle grenade refer to the same thing.
Regardless I survive the process and after a couple of hours of fiddling in front of the almost naked NPC that is waiting to take me on a mission, I end up with my skill build ready to go and my manual and auto bar set. Here's where the game screwed me over.
I click on the guy and tell him I'm ready to go, we get transported to where the battle will take place and the first thing I notice as soon as I'm back in control... except for my basic attack, my action bars are empty and I don't have access to the skill menu. "Ok, I suppose this part is scripted, fine". I keep moving forward. And as I do, some things happen and skills are added to my bar one by one. I see some skills I did not pick, like Hell plant, so I say "I see, since it's a tutorial mission it's gonna be teaching me the uses of some skills". BUT! After the mission is over I get back to the overworld, talk to some NPCs, get sent to Prontera, and my skills didn't come back! I check the skill menu and my skill build is very different to what I had setup. The game didn't warn me this was going to happen. I was given a reset rod, so I suppose I could use that to fix the issue, but it would have been nice to keep it for when I have more time with the game and a better idea of what I did wrong with my skill choices that might need correction. And here's the thing, I feel that there are moments during this sequence in which the process goes into auto pilot and adds to the confusion of what's going on.
Onto the topic of the homunculus, since it was in my topic about them in RO that the mobile game was brought to my attention. I haven't used any of them in actual combat just yet. The first experimentation session had taken long enough as it is. But I can say a few things. First and foremost, I can see that the system is streamlined. You get the Call Homunculus skill with four ranks, each rank corresponds to a different homunculus. Apparently you don't create them, they don't need feeding, and sadly, you can't give them names. "Streamlining" is one of the terms in game development that I fear the most, they try to sell it to you as a good thing but it usually means "Simplifying to the essential functionality by removing the soul". RPG elements are cut out and they follow the philosophy of "we are giving you a tool to accomplish a task, no added flavor".
Interestingly enough, in this game specific base homunculus are tied to specific homunculus S forms. That's the impression I had when I first saw the Homunculus S forms in RO. It was easy enough to assume that Lif would turn into Eira and Amistr into Bayeri. I however, thought wrongly that Vanilmirth was tied to Sera, since the evolution of my Vanilmirth looked very insect like. But apparently he turn into Dieter instead. It's also interesting that Eleanor is her very own species from the start. A new base homunculus that didn't exist in RO. I however, don't like her visual design as much in this game. The one in RO has abundant white hair and a very long fluffy tail that give her a very elegant pressence. I find that her visual design is unmatched by the others. She also looks more mature. The mobile version's younger, blond and even more fox-like design makes me think more of Moonlight Flower than Eleanor.
In any case, as little sense as it makes, I like the RO system that allows you to mix and match base and S forms. It adds customization to your personal homunculus. For example, coming from a Vanilmirth, my Eleanor has the Caprice skill. I feel that the randomness of her attacks allows her to express a more playful and, would I say "capricious" personality?
Functionally I haven't done anything yet, I don't know if I have any degree of control, like designating specific targets or directing them to move to a specific spot. I'll check that later on.
I think that's all I covered in my very first experience with the game. My overall assessment is a neutral one so far, it has pros and cons compared to RO, don't hate it but I'm not really convinced. Probably I'm being too harsh, since well, compromises are to be expected from a mobile game, but we will see, I haven't even gone out the gate yet.

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#2 Ashuckel


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Posted 12 March 2021 - 11:17 AM

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#3 Scuba


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Posted 12 March 2021 - 12:49 PM

Man, he wrote a bible on this topic how you gonna do him like that?  :rofl:

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#4 Ashuckel


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Posted 12 March 2021 - 03:15 PM

just wondering if there's a point to it is all.

It seems like just a review on his own experience, not exactly asking for conversation on the topic, but then it doesn't really have anything to do with/in the ro1 section?

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#5 Asukirin


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Posted 12 March 2021 - 03:48 PM

Ragnarok Mobile is already a thing of the past too many bug much worse than IRO, you should try Ragnarok Origin and RO Ragnarok New Generation is much better to compared to the Original Ragnarok Online.

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#6 Vanderfluge


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Posted 12 March 2021 - 03:48 PM

Well, in another topic I made, the game was mentioned, I took it as a suggestion to try it and so I did. I did not want to include this over there since it deviates somewhat from the original topic. This is the "Community Chat" section. I'm assuming there is some leeway on what can be shared here as long as it is Ragnarok related. Regardless Mr. Ashuckel, your "participation" in a topic you are clearly not interested in, slightly passive aggressive commenting, forum policing attempt and other things about your profile... you strike me as a rather combative individual. I'll keep that in mind.

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#7 Lynreve


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Posted 12 March 2021 - 04:05 PM

So this stemmed from the homun thread, right?

First, you’re posting in the wrong section, but then again there isn’t any section for mobile games in this forum; don’t know why but personally I like it that way since it makes it easier to cut through the bull-_-. Less creeps too.

Second, 4th jobs there and 4th jobs here are very different. I personally have a soft spot for theirs, but that’s irrelevant in an RO1 section thread. I will say this; the expanded classes we have here that are treated as a joke are incredibly viable there, being high-rate farmers and with NoGu being a very highly sought after DPS class.

Hey, look at that, I’m starting to learn RoM slang, and only after three months of moving.

Personally I skipped that straight to 120 quest cause it takes the fun out. If you plan to stay around, look at Miss Maven’s vids on YT.

Don’t mind the aggression here too much. I’d tell you why but I really don’t want to paint a target on my head and put up with their -_- either, so just try to stick to iRO/RO1 discussions here. For RoM topics, use Reddit or their FB page depending on the server.
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#8 Vanderfluge


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Posted 12 March 2021 - 04:27 PM

Second, 4th jobs there and 4th jobs here are very different. I personally have a soft spot for theirs, but that’s irrelevant in an RO1 section thread. I will say this; the expanded classes we have here that are treated as a joke are incredibly viable there, being high-rate farmers and with NoGu being a very highly sought after DPS class.

Wait a second, did I get that right? Are 4th jobs already in RO1? I haven't noticed, not that I have seen many people that aren't merchants buying and selling or a million sitting people with chat windows at Eden HQ. The main iRO site doesn't seem to mention them either.
I have seen the announcements though, but they are named differently, like the priest's 4th job being "Cardinal" instead of "Saint".

Personally I skipped that straight to 120 quest cause it takes the fun out. If you plan to stay around, look at Miss Maven’s vids on YT.

I agree, if I stay I'll restart the character, I just felt the boost would give me a quicker overview to temper my expectations.

Also yes, I already know her, she is included in "So my main source of information was youtube".
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#9 ChakriGuard



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Posted 12 March 2021 - 04:35 PM

RoM ... lol. Good stuff.

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#10 Lynreve


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Posted 12 March 2021 - 04:42 PM

Wait a second, did I get that right? Are 4th jobs already in RO1? I haven't noticed, not that I have seen many people that aren't merchants buying and selling or a million sitting people with chat windows at Eden HQ. The main iRO site doesn't seem to mention them either.
I have seen the announcements though, but they are named differently, like the priest's 4th job being "Cardinal" instead of "Saint".

It isn’t here yet, but I have no doubt it won’t be long before it comes. An update that huge will be prioritized above all else. They aren’t named differently; they ARE different. The only thing in common between both is that anything third class and below has the same name, and female tank classes always look like hookers unless you put a costume on, something which I did because damn a metal bikini looks tacky as -_-.

I agree, if I stay I'll restart the character, I just felt the boost would give me a quicker overview to temper my expectations.

Also yes, I already know her, she is included in "So my main source of information was youtube".

If you end up in the academy, take two lefts and two souths; you’ll end up back in South Gate where novices started prior to the 2.0 update.

PM me for questions about RoM, or go to Reddit or their FB page; talking about it here will continue to annoy the hell out of other people and I’m not in the mood to take on their bull-_- today.

Edited by Lynreve, 12 March 2021 - 04:46 PM.

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#11 Ashuckel


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Posted 12 March 2021 - 04:58 PM

. Regardless Mr. Ashuckel, your "participation" in a topic you are clearly not interested in, slightly passive aggressive commenting, forum policing attempt and other things about your profile... you strike me as a rather combative individual. I'll keep that in mind.

was just legit wondering what was the point of the post as previously mentioned , since these aren't rom forums and have nothing to do with it but sharing the brand.
But take it as you want i guess
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#12 Vanderfluge


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Posted 12 March 2021 - 05:12 PM

PM me for questions about RoM, or go to Reddit or their FB page; talking about it here will continue to annoy the hell out of other people and I’m not in the mood to take on their bull-_- today.

It certainly isn't my intention to annoy anyone. When I made my first post on the homunculus topic, a CM editted my post and reminded me that it is forbidden to mention "Non WarpPortal Games". I still believe there should be some sort of "fair use" clause on that but that's a dsicussion for another day. Given that Ragnarok Mobile is indeed listed on the WarpPortal site I assumed there was no harm in talking about it in the "Community Chat" especially when there is no dedicated community anywhere. (Well, you mentioned facebook and reddit, but both of those feel weird to me).
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