I think the gear is mostly fine, but i would only level on the first floor against the permeters and soliders
I would change the shield for any shield with a orc warrior card (remember the highest def the better for spell shield atk bonus so for non ocp shields a Rosa shield is decent enough) (The best one is illusion sacred mission if you can get your hands in one for the shield spell buff)
I would also consider investing into a +?? Crimson Spear (Fire) and slot it with either goblin cards or mummy card like you've been doing since according to divine pride you need 461 Hit for the Soliders if you want to keep it low investment you can use the same spear with fire converters
Once you get enough levels and you get tankier you can change the FAW card for a Venenum Card or for Rockridge Cramp if you are going to go for 120 str