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level 100 SC looking for cash shop gear advice (PVM only)

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#1 MeatyOar


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Posted 23 June 2021 - 06:41 PM

hello, after many many years, I finally leveled the thief i made during iRO open beta in 2003 to a shadow chaser this year! it is quite a milestone for me and i am very happy i finally took the time to do it (actually took way less time than i thought it would with the low TIs, thank you grandpa),  now i am a few levels over 100 and i am feeling slightly(lol) underpowered compared to the many many players i see in low TIs.

as i have nearly 0 knowledge of renewal until about a month ago, i didn't really know why they are doing a one or two 0s more dmg than i am.


after perusing the forums, i learned that with the introduction of oversea care packages in the cash shop, most classes can get gears OP enough to solo content with relative ease.

and, now, unlike the 20 years ago me that couldn't even afford to pay for a sub, i am now a physical adult with cash i can burn on games.


So i am trying to get some ideas on where to start spending KP on to get gears that would ease me into the whole solo leveling process 


i am not sure i am looking to get any build specific gears, however,

just really in it for the experience and not looking to min max any builds, if i could i would like to have 100 in every stat kind of build lol, so i could switch up the gears and try using different skills for fun/variety.


I not really looking to pump out the most damage, just decent enough damage to get me to around 170 and can access the alternate sprite while leveling semi brain dead.


i am also not actually soloing, i am duoing the game with my gf and she's a archbishop now. i got her a shrine maiden hat from reading the forums and it seemed like a good item for her to have,

which actually brings me to a side tangent, where does the shrine maiden hat comes from? when i look it up on the irowiki db it shows as a cash shop item but i don't see it listed under any of the packages. kinda curious. 


the theives' guide, enforcer shoes, and black feather seems neat, but im a bit worried about enforcer shoe nerfing in the future that was intended for GX.

i think it might end up hurting SC or make meteor assault on SC not viable.


anyhoo tl;dr, i am looking to spend cash to obtain some op gears for my shadow chaser, which boxes should i buy/what items should i look for? i might want to use bows sometimes, and sometimes daggers, probably won't be going for 120 base on any stat unless i really have to.



thank you for any input!


Edited by MeatyOar, 23 June 2021 - 06:44 PM.

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#2 6250140829153758463


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Posted 23 June 2021 - 09:19 PM

Doubt Enforcer Shoes will get nerfed, considering it's available in the Cash Shop currently (via OCP XIV and XXIV). In Nov 2020, those two boxes were not available for purchase during the Firesale because of plans to nerf them.


Shrine Maiden Hat:

Available as a reward from a past Anniversary Event:


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#3 chiefkikahoe


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Posted 23 June 2021 - 10:01 PM

Congratulations! Shadow chaser is so fun since the builds are endless since it’s the jack of all trades class. Build I recommend is Sword or Dagger Build since Meta right now is Meteor assault, I know you have fear of Enforcer shoes being nerfed on the future but right now it’s the fastest way to level for SC since with Black Feather Beret flying kick let’s you clear instances faster than other classes. Regarding OCP for builds;
Meteor Assault:
Black Feather Beret from Yggdrasil Ascension ii
Enforcer Shoes from OCP XIV or XXIV
Thieves Guide Vol 1 from OCP V
And some Armor with Byorouge Card.
Back Stab Build:
Black Feather Beret
Diabolous Wing Yggdrasil Ascension iii
Shadow Rings OCP X
Diabolous Boots drop from Morroc
Triangle Shot/Double Strafe:
Biolab Hat obtainable at 170
Or Blackfeather Beret
Old Detachment Ring OCP XXVII
Emerald Rings OCP XVII
Magnus Exo Build:
Shrine Maiden Hat steal from your gf
Diabolous Wing & boots
Valkyrie Drops OCP XVI
Other good items that are OCP for SC is Jupiter Ring OCP XXVIII for extra Damage or HP/SP and Love Piece OCP ii or Retro ii for uninterrupted Cast. Armors are usually the 4 Dresses, illusion Armor or Fire Dragon Armor and garment depends on how you want your build to be. More tank is Deviling carded item like heroic Backpack or Etrans Shirt. More damage would be like Skin of Ladon. Best Shield Would be Excelion Shield or+12 Mad Bunny Special. Good luck! Hope this helps!

If tldr: Cash shop items reference

Edited by chiefkikahoe, 23 June 2021 - 10:17 PM.

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#4 Ashuckel


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Posted 24 June 2021 - 12:25 AM

There are a truckload of "good in different situations" cash shop items, and it's quite hard to recommend you to get many of them if you wont make much use of. Working adult or not, it's a waste of money.

Do you have a playstyle you tend to prefer?
As you seem to realize already, there exists gear enough to trivialize leveling with mostly any build you want to play, so if you pick a path you can get stuff that will actually help you.
That said, a lot of gear overlaps in what situations/builds they can be used for. For example most magic based gear will work for any type of caster or autocaster you make, or any atk boosting gear will work with any physical(both melee and ranged) skill build.
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#5 Usurper


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Posted 24 June 2021 - 03:32 AM

That said, a lot of gear overlaps in what situations/builds they can be used for. For example most magic based gear will work for any type of caster or autocaster you make, or any atk boosting gear will work with any physical(both melee and ranged) skill build.


+1 to this. Everyone above me pretty much covered the things you need to look out for, IMO If you are looking for a "fun" and PvM only build I would suggest the magic auto caster via auto shadow spell/ manual caster SC as both builds have similar equipment sets and somewhat similar stat builds like the one I have at the moment:




You can even kill people if ever you plan to PvP/WoE with this, you just need to use a different weapon but let's not talk about that right now. The only problem is this build kills mobs slower than the bow and sword/dagger builds.


There is also a future update for the SC class that would auto shadow spell to work using bows so if that is something you want to try you better start the quest for the 17.1 Weapons and get this:



Edited by Usurper, 24 June 2021 - 03:59 AM.

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#6 MeatyOar


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Posted 24 June 2021 - 06:13 AM

omg thanks for all the info guys!

right now everything looks appealing

i am thinking about getting heroic backpack for the garment as it seems to fit my desire to have a very even spread of stats, plus it comes with greed skill seems pretty nice

good to know that auto shadow spell will work with bows in the future too! that kinda makes the ac-b44 bow pretty essential right? i dont think many bows come with matk  :D definitely will look into that bow's quest


i opened some boxes yesterday trying to get emerald ring but no luck XD, searching the vending prices for most items i am looking for (oh how i wish ragial was still a thing), i am thinking if it would be more money efficient to just sell my kp to other players and use zeny to buy the items directly

selling kp for zeny is legal process right? i see people doing it in eden



There are a truckload of "good in different situations" cash shop items, and it's quite hard to recommend you to get many of them if you wont make much use of. Working adult or not, it's a waste of money.

Do you have a playstyle you tend to prefer?
As you seem to realize already, there exists gear enough to trivialize leveling with mostly any build you want to play, so if you pick a path you can get stuff that will actually help you.
That said, a lot of gear overlaps in what situations/builds they can be used for. For example most magic based gear will work for any type of caster or autocaster you make, or any atk boosting gear will work with any physical(both melee and ranged) skill build.


i see your point definitely, in terms of what i would prefer.. i am using a bow right now because thats how i started leveling as a rogue and stalker, but personally i've always preferred melee classes, just that with lag sometimes playing melee class in RO is kinda annoying and slow with positioning, but i guess if i had black feather and access to FSK it would feel a lot smoother and wouldn't be an issue.


from what i've read regarding SCs (i dont think the guides considered the iRO cash shop items tho), the auto shadowspell builds were a bit lackluster so i didn't consider that as a main option, however if it can do well with cash shop items i think i might prefer that style 

Edited by MeatyOar, 24 June 2021 - 06:16 AM.

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#7 6250140829153758463


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Posted 24 June 2021 - 08:37 AM

Yes, selling KP for zeny is legal. You're actually selling Cash Shop items (acquired with KP) for zeny, and that's legal.

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#8 Ashuckel


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Posted 24 June 2021 - 02:33 PM

from what i've read regarding SCs (i dont think the guides considered the iRO cash shop items tho), the auto shadowspell builds were a bit lackluster so i didn't consider that as a main option, however if it can do well with cash shop items i think i might prefer that style 

Autocasters are mainly a single target focused build, although it still can reach high enough aoe dps to clear packs. The reason it ain't a popular leveling method compared to other styles is because it doesn't instantly deals it's full damage, it needs a little while to ramp up. So other builds can click a button and kill a pack, and ASS has to click a monster for a couple seconds before enough aoes stack up to kill the pack.
It's totally doable, just not the fastest method available. It has a quite decent single target in a lot of scenarios tho.

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