I had a feeling that ingame chat is lying about exp. showing 2.5k for a mob that gives ~800 base.
Now i know it is so.
I've completed first part of Kill Hire Academy quest.
Got mine 700 000 exp as a reward. but the chat was showing whopping 2.1M exp.
prior reciving this reward I had ~17% @ level 96. and 700k is 25% exactly. so guess what, now i have 42%.
So it is not 2.1m. and for monsters it is same. chat show ~3 time more exp than you are actualy reciving.
Exp bonuses not working right now.

Experience bonuses not working properly or not working at all.
Started by
, Jul 15 2021 05:33 AM
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Posted 15 July 2021 - 05:33 AM
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