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Vestige - Social & PvM

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#1 zyndri


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Posted 04 August 2021 - 04:26 AM



"a trace or remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer exists"





We are some of the remaining last few of what is left of active players in International Ragnarok Online. Some of Vestige's members have been in this game for ages, and they are ancient like the mummies you can find in the Morroc Pyramids. Our goal is to help new players adapt, socialize, and integrate themselves into our fun and wholesome community. Did I mention random giveaways by the guild's council members. Yes, you heard me, "Free Gifts"! 


​We are primarily a Social & PvM guild. There are no location or level requirements to join, we have members from across the globe!






Why should you want to join?




- Guild events! Our resident Events Queen loves trivia and hide and seek     


 - Discord Channel with heaps of updated self drawn emojis and stickers


- We have a few budding artists who do commissions in the guild (Did I mention We love Art?)  


- New Movie Screenings!


- We have a mental health section for those who need comfort and someone to talk to               


- Members who love helping new players with equipment and information




Let us know if you're keen to join us  :ok:



seri_cape_is_blanket.png       lokiiiiiiiiiiiii.png








Do note that it is mandatory to join us in our discord server if you would like to join the game guild as we cannot guarantee the fun factor will be the same without it.


Reply to this thread with your in-game name, we evaluate if we think you're a fit, and then will PM you! (but also please DM zyndri HERE i aint been seeing messages lmao)


The Vestige Discord Server has its own set of rules to abide by when you're there.


​We have had incidents where members (now removed) have said some very questionable things and behaved in ways that are not kind to others. So we are now a bit cautious about who joins. 


You will be promptly removed if you conduct yourself in a manner that is not respectful to others, at our discretion. 










Edited by zyndri, 12 October 2023 - 08:36 AM.

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#2 zyndri


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Posted 04 August 2021 - 04:27 AM

Current Events for: Holiday Season!





Xmas Horror Toy Factory run with Seri Date: 23/12/23 (Sat) Time:11pm GMT+8
Geffen Night Arena Run Party with Lae, Date TBC
Movie Stream: A very Harold and Kumar Xmas- 27/12/23 (Wed) Time 11pm GMT+8
Secret Santa Event TBC


Some of the other shenanigans we get into -


Endless Tower runs


We'll do any levels and also certain share ranges!





Bloody Branch parties


These are usually any level can attend! One day we'll be rich....





We talk about food a lot, and love to share it


pls post pictures of your irl food we want to see it





Novice Mini Games!


Make a Novice, and good luck!




Hide & Seek


How familiar are you with RO? We know some pretty neat areas, and we love to go sightseeing! 



Edited by zyndri, 19 December 2023 - 05:48 AM.

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#3 alan36paul


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Posted 04 August 2021 - 11:18 AM


IGN: BluVi

I'm a new/returning casual player looking for a social guild in Chaos. It's been years since I've last played RO so everything I know is already kinda outdated XD. I would love to join a fun guild as I get back into the game!

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#4 zyndri


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Posted 04 August 2021 - 04:40 PM


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#5 IDexter


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Posted 05 August 2021 - 08:22 AM

May I join @zyndriiiii?


IGN: Dave_s (159 AB)



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#6 zyndri


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Posted 07 August 2021 - 02:40 AM


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#7 IamRaivAn


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Posted 07 August 2021 - 12:36 PM

I would like to join. am returning player. love to pvm and socialize. 


IGN: RaiVan~

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#8 Kyoboi512


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Posted 08 August 2021 - 05:17 PM



I love this awesome guild, ever since I joined, there's been awesome hide and seek/ Trivia events ongoing! I love that the guild is so helpful to noobs like myself and the guild storage has great lowbie gears to use. My fav part is being able to level together in illusion turtle dungeon with active caring members. I highly recommend this guild 11/10, give it a shot like I did. You wont regret it! I give it a 5/5 Angeling Rating!


:p_angel:  :p_angel:  :p_angel:  :p_angel:  :p_angel:








This is not a paid advertisement btw.





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#9 Stephanie


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Posted 11 August 2021 - 12:31 AM

Wow this guild is full of super cool people!!!

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#10 100000635142127


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Posted 14 August 2021 - 01:02 AM

helo. i would join coz just weird soloing evthng. and im returning player after bout 6 years offline <.<..


My ingame name is : JoHN Maclein as  die hard fan if im not wrong >.<



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#11 100000635142127


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Posted 16 August 2021 - 03:17 AM

hye and helo.. dunno why i cant see older post b4. so ill post new one then


im just boring and waana find new fren in here. so add me plzzz


in game name: JoHN Maclein..

thnks in advance >.>

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#12 zyndri


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Posted 17 August 2021 - 03:42 AM


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#13 4370200504202053750


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Posted 18 August 2021 - 09:07 PM

IGN: Athuries

I just join the game and I am looking for a social guild to play level up and enjoy the game.

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#14 4370200504202053750


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Posted 19 August 2021 - 06:02 AM

Hello I wish to join the guild I am new to the game but I am loving it so far

IGN: Athuries

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#15 Tipytao


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Posted 22 August 2021 - 06:22 PM

In game name is : Vibin

lvl 101 ranger kinda n00b

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#16 sp99


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Posted 23 August 2021 - 09:47 AM

IGN MoeMoeBeam

Im returning player. ;)
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#17 zyndri


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Posted 23 August 2021 - 04:20 PM


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#18 JinnyLove


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Posted 23 August 2021 - 05:52 PM

Hello, I would love to join. 

IGN: Fenyl

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#19 Kyoboi512


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Posted 03 September 2021 - 04:07 PM

HI guildies, for the poem entries in Discord #events and postings in #poem-submission-only , Top 3 entries will be a month's discord nitro! GL and we'll be looking forward to your entries! Support Suicide Prevention/ awareness month! More often then not, people seldom want to end their lives, for every suicide death, more than 20 others would have attempted it. Lets do our bit to raise awareness, help others seek help.

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#20 Valadar


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Posted 03 September 2021 - 07:16 PM

Hello i'm a returning player looking for a more social setting. my IGN is Fendes

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#21 Mayonakanoryu


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Posted 20 September 2021 - 06:46 AM

Ing: Bauma - crit sin - looking to tackle the mvps, something i never did in the past - not really looking to WOE. I’m about to hit 97/50. This is my 3rd week of returning.
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#22 NillK


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Posted 27 September 2021 - 05:31 PM

Hi! I'm a returning player but might as well be new  :P I've been solo learning the game for about 3 weeks now and I thought I'd give it a shot and look for a guild.

IGN: QynnK

lvl 105 Wanderer main


PS: be prepared for many noob questions if you accept me  :D

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#23 jfullernz


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Posted 29 September 2021 - 10:58 PM

Name: JasmineJade

Server: Chaos

Class: Super Novice

Level 73/51


Returning Vet - account played since Gravity days, 2003 account creation

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#24 Mikitake


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Posted 02 October 2021 - 02:10 AM

Name: Radwimpz

Class: GX

Level: 175/60


Returning player after 1 year hiatus looking for friends to play with :)

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#25 MoonlitAjisai


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Posted 05 October 2021 - 05:59 AM

IGN: Lucky


I do really terrible drawings if that helps at all. I just came back after a solid break and am trying to find a social group to play with and just enjoy the game with. 

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