Idle Poring Closed Down Yesterday - Off Topic - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Idle Poring Closed Down Yesterday

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#1 Scuba


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Posted 02 September 2021 - 12:52 PM

Another abandoned Ragnarok property bites the dust. It is sad to see how flippantly the RO IP has been abused to make surface level undeveloped and forgotten games. 




Its such a weird coincidence that I've been playing idle games lately to scratch the itch of other MMOs without actually playing MMOs again. I remembered this one existed and its amazing, what are the odds that I randomly felt like playing it today, only to find out it was closed yesterday?


This reminds me of another title "Ragnarok Online (Mobile) Ash Vacuum" that also lived and died in a couple years. I was wondering, just how many Ragnarok Titles have come and gone? The legacy of this brand is just so sad :(

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#2 CMMayari


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Posted 02 September 2021 - 02:07 PM

Hello! This has been moved to the Off Topic section, as it is not a Renewal/Transcendence-related post. Thank you!

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#3 OnionSalad


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Posted 13 September 2021 - 05:07 PM

Another abandoned Ragnarok property bites the dust. It is sad to see how flippantly the RO IP has been abused to make surface level undeveloped and forgotten games. 




Its such a weird coincidence that I've been playing idle games lately to scratch the itch of other MMOs without actually playing MMOs again. I remembered this one existed and its amazing, what are the odds that I randomly felt like playing it today, only to find out it was closed yesterday?


This reminds me of another title "Ragnarok Online (Mobile) Ash Vacuum" that also lived and died in a couple years. I was wondering, just how many Ragnarok Titles have come and gone? The legacy of this brand is just so sad :(


Omg it did?? Aww... Ohhh I remember that Ash Vacuum one. Never did get to play it.

And yeah, +1 to the sad legacy and abuse of RO's IP from then until now.


I knew of one other RO mobile game specifically for Samsung phones back then (before smartphones existed). Was a mage class kinda game. Definitely closed  since smartphones came around. I hope they won't close Poring Merge though. It's really cute and casual.

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