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Help me optimized my SC-MA

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#1 kiitkat


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Posted 28 October 2021 - 05:56 AM

Hey, was wondering if anyone here can help me with some questions that I have with regards to my build for my MA-Shadow Chaser, was been away for 2 years and decided to play again and finally build my first 175 (been just trading the whole time before)


I basically read some threads here and watched blackcross' guide with regards to SC-MA, I know GX is better but im choosing SC as it is my fave class design and I like the 2nd costume lol, and I have some questions that I havnt seen answered or explained through the current threads that we have right now


I basically have all the gears that was shown in the video and my stalker is 90/60 and want to clear things off before i turn to sc so I can save myself from unnecessary resets.


My gears:

+12 RTE 3x HF (gonna use it for leveling)

+12 excelion

+10 Black Feather

Sera Coronet

Toy Syringe

**Havn't bought any armor** +10EDA?

+7 enforcer

+9 skin of ladon

Thieves' guide

Toy Ring

2x Shadow Ring


Budget left: 3B (I went yolo with the new costumes lol)


1. I noticed blackcross was using sera coronet+ladon, does that mean I should sacrifice str to maximize my int/agi/vit?


2. For leveling, are my items good and useable till 175?Do I need to buy Love Piece for MA's cast or best thing to do is invest with gears that reduce FCT like Ruff/General helm?they are stupidly pricey -.-'


3. What stat should I be looking at level 99?


4.Is the shadow class set worth it @ +0?noticed it gives bunch of bonus stat and hp/sp%


Hoping for your kind response and guidance!

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#2 Ashuckel


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Posted 28 October 2021 - 10:10 AM

1. personal preference

2. They are far beyond being "usable". You can play most of the game without ever getting anything new.

3. Hit rate not to miss, Vit not to die, the rest into w/e damage stats you want.

4.Class shadows are all at least very good, just pay attention that the def pen doesnt work on boss monsters.
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#3 kiitkat


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Posted 28 October 2021 - 04:32 PM

1. personal preference

2. They are far beyond being "usable". You can play most of the game without ever getting anything new.

3. Hit rate not to miss, Vit not to die, the rest into w/e damage stats you want.

4.Class shadows are all at least very good, just pay attention that the def pen doesnt work on boss monsters.


thank you. watched vids who used coronet and ladon at the same time last night and figured they had to sacrifice some stats at some point. I went yolo in my str while leveling and now its 99 @ level 90 T.T

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#4 Scuba


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Posted 28 October 2021 - 07:15 PM

You can use the free stat reset, or you can use reset stones in Payon. Its cheaper if you are lower level so if you want to save your free reset for when you are further along and want to try something else, that is always an option.


120 int and 120 dex is good if you want to have options on your SC. That basically defaults your mid to either Seraphim or Mob combo. Outside of Int and Dex your stats are defined by what else you want to do. You might consider an Emerald Ring if you have Double Strafe, as it would give you 100 atk in an accessory (or two).


Ladon will make it so you never run out of SP, and any amount of HP leech will keep you going if you are using MA. Leveling is a joke so I wouldn't worry about it. 15 points of str will give the same status attack as 40 points of agi/vit (from ladon), I am sure there is a breakpoint where its worth it to sacrifice Str for Agi/Vit but who wants to math that out? You will get some amount of Agi and Vit anyway, but I am not sure if going out of your way for the 15 atk is necessarily what you would prioritize. That said, Str is nearly useless for bows, so it all comes down to how versatile you want to be.

Edited by Scuba, 28 October 2021 - 07:16 PM.

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#5 kiitkat


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Posted 28 October 2021 - 08:32 PM

You can use the free stat reset, or you can use reset stones in Payon. Its cheaper if you are lower level so if you want to save your free reset for when you are further along and want to try something else, that is always an option.


120 int and 120 dex is good if you want to have options on your SC. That basically defaults your mid to either Seraphim or Mob combo. Outside of Int and Dex your stats are defined by what else you want to do. You might consider an Emerald Ring if you have Double Strafe, as it would give you 100 atk in an accessory (or two).


Ladon will make it so you never run out of SP, and any amount of HP leech will keep you going if you are using MA. Leveling is a joke so I wouldn't worry about it. 15 points of str will give the same status attack as 40 points of agi/vit (from ladon), I am sure there is a breakpoint where its worth it to sacrifice Str for Agi/Vit but who wants to math that out? You will get some amount of Agi and Vit anyway, but I am not sure if going out of your way for the 15 atk is necessarily what you would prioritize. That said, Str is nearly useless for bows, so it all comes down to how versatile you want to be.


good read, thank you


I'm not into bows so I think I'll push for a MA/Backstab build and just create a new SC that is built for bow (I read that we get the Bow ASS in the distant future?).


thinking of pushing 120str/120int and rest to dex and vit








thats what I was able to squeeze in at the calculator at level 175


Planning on updating this thread and make it like sort of a memoir/mini guide too for other SC so thanks for the tips!

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