Rebuild suggestions for Alteris
Posted 08 January 2022 - 09:54 PM
This is my list of things I want to see changed as far as content goes. I don't know anything technical about game design so I will stay away from that side of things.
1. Make looting worth it on normal mobs. Trash items with little lant is fine but make it worthwhile. Trash mob items that give Stat buffs that are level dependent should be more rare. Increase the amount of the buffs, but reduce the drop rate.
2. This one goes hand and hand with 1. Make an auto sell Trash option or sell by bag option.
3. No class should be able to solo raids of their level. Drops from level 50 raids also shouldn't be best in slot or best in enchant slot for lvl 70 characters, And remove raid resets. This allows for raiding events where you remove the raid cap or something of the like. Raid resets are also such a huge pay for power item. This will even the playing field.
4. Add flagging for pvp as a toggle, give it like a 30 minute cooldown or something. Do not add a mall option for flagging, as it will be abusable.
5. Bring back scaling (melior ulterior and such) armor and remove the +30 system. Make it worth while to farm overworld mobs again. Also make bind on equip and bind on pick up untradable once bound. No more cash shop unbinds. This will prevent any future dupe exploits for some thing.
6. Remove failure punishments on enchants. Instead of it going from 7/8 to 7/7(-1) make it an increasing lant cost for each failure. That way you can remove the other pay for power enchant failure reversal items from the already crowded store.
8. You guys had the right idea with the 500hp costumes back in the day. Its pay for power but not so huge that skill couldn't counter it. Pets give too much power as do enchantable costumes. Pets should just be qol pick up loot and maybe auto pot for you.
9. Make nightmare scarier. I want -_- my pants jump scares from mobs(maybe stealth?) When that nightmare sound plays I want to have an oh -_- moment if I'm alone in the field leveling. Give raid bosses a buff during NM too. I.E. While NM is active make tyrant regen .05% hp mer minute And add an incentive for killing a boss during NM. (20%) chance for extra drom and bonus lant?
10. Make pvp gear better for pvp and raid gear better for pve. Give extra cad and scad to pvp at the cost of hp and armor and vice versa. This one is probably really hard to balance appropriately but if you pull it off it will add a level of pride for each player sporting the gears.
That's all I got for now. I'm looking forward to see what you guys change.
Posted 02 February 2022 - 06:41 PM
I think if you're hunting a deer, your loot should be something a deer would probably have. There should be a purpose to the hunt and completing that purpose should be the loot.
Personally, I liked the melior, ulterior, potens... I think this can be played with a bit more to make more armors viable end game. This way there is much more variety and there is a collection mechanic.
Posted 10 February 2022 - 08:28 PM
I think if you're hunting a deer, your loot should be something a deer would probably have. There should be a purpose to the hunt and completing that purpose should be the loot.
Personally, I liked the melior, ulterior, potens... I think this can be played with a bit more to make more armors viable end game. This way there is much more variety and there is a collection mechanic.
I agree completely. The deer dropping horns and hides in NH makes a lot of sense. What doesn't make sense is them giving 5str. What do my chars do? Eat them? Crush them on the fly and snort them? boof them? Adding some sort of crafting with them makes sense. Even if it's super simple like to make potions. The melior, ulterious, potens, upgrade system was way better than the plus 30 system. I had to going for like 50 hours in AT to make my ulterios rorgos and full M-S set from original SL when it was in AT. I loved it. I really hope they take you on as a consultant or staff Cleffy. There are not many of us really old timers left that remember the Req golden age.
Posted 10 February 2022 - 08:30 PM
Edited by edaw6282, 10 February 2022 - 08:34 PM.
Posted 14 March 2022 - 03:02 PM
Hi there!
I'll respond within the quote:
Oh hai Alteris,
This is my list of things I want to see changed as far as content goes. I don't know anything technical about game design so I will stay away from that side of things.
1. Make looting worth it on normal mobs. Trash items with little lant is fine but make it worthwhile. Trash mob items that give Stat buffs that are level dependent should be more rare. Increase the amount of the buffs, but reduce the drop rate.I agree, making the items more worthwhile is great. But I'm not too sure about the stat buff part. From my experience from playing there was a lot of items I would ignore, mostly the stat buffs. It would start to clutter. I think reducing the drop rates would also help but then it would feel like there were long stretches of time without loot. We are looking at ideas of making looting feel more meaningful to the overall economy of the game without feeling like its just cluttering up your inventory for no reason.
2. This one goes hand and hand with 1. Make an auto sell Trash option or sell by bag option.Love that idea. But what would constitute as a trash item? I think we would have to re-evaluate all the items into a different category. Like for instance, is the lower-gear armor a trash item? Consumables? Stat boost items? I know that in other MMOs the trash items consisted of only items that were grey-named and had no other function besides being gold fodder. I'll have to look a little more deeply into our current trash loot before we push this to our programmers.
3. No class should be able to solo raids of their level. Drops from level 50 raids also shouldn't be best in slot or best in enchant slot for lvl 70 characters, And remove raid resets. This allows for raiding events where you remove the raid cap or something of the like. Raid resets are also such a huge pay for power item. This will even the playing field.I firmly agree that raids should not be solo-able AT level.
Drops on level 50 raids COULD be a candidate for best in slot or best in enchant, but shouldn't always be the case. If you can think of an item that was that way, please let me know and I will take a look.
I also agree that raid resets were too powerful as an item. I will have it in consideration to be removed from the cash shop.
4. Add flagging for pvp as a toggle, give it like a 30 minute cooldown or something. Do not add a mall option for flagging, as it will be abusable.
No comment right now. The system is so old that this would be pretty hard to implement in the current time frame.
5. Bring back scaling (melior ulterior and such) armor and remove the +30 system. Make it worth while to farm overworld mobs again. Also make bind on equip and bind on pick up untradable once bound. No more cash shop unbinds. This will prevent any future dupe exploits for some thing.
Cash shop unbinds will be removed.
Melior and such scaling was way before my time and everyone that was involved with that is no longer here to help us understand that item scaling. If you guys can enlighten me, I would be very happy to review it and try to understand it.
6. Remove failure punishments on enchants. Instead of it going from 7/8 to 7/7(-1) make it an increasing lant cost for each failure. That way you can remove the other pay for power enchant failure reversal items from the already crowded store.
We are evaluating the enchant/refine systems. I think item destruction and going down a grade/rank/level has a strong negative impact on players and we are strongly looking into it.
8. You guys had the right idea with the 500hp costumes back in the day. Its pay for power but not so huge that skill couldn't counter it. Pets give too much power as do enchantable costumes. Pets should just be qol pick up loot and maybe auto pot for you.
We will look into the power scaling and p2w advantages of both.
9. Make nightmare scarier. I want shit my pants jump scares from mobs(maybe stealth?) When that nightmare sound plays I want to have an oh shit moment if I'm alone in the field leveling. Give raid bosses a buff during NM too. I.E. While NM is active make tyrant regen .05% hp mer minute And add an incentive for killing a boss during NM. (20%) chance for extra drom and bonus lant?
Definitely want to make nightmare scarier and worth it.
10. Make pvp gear better for pvp and raid gear better for pve. Give extra cad and scad to pvp at the cost of hp and armor and vice versa. This one is probably really hard to balance appropriately but if you pull it off it will add a level of pride for each player sporting the gears.
The current problem with the gear scaling in REQ is that everyone was able to reach cap stats so quickly. For instance getting 100% resists to certain elements and 100% critical and skill critical. This made scad and cad the only real way to get stronger. We want to avoid getting into that ditch.
That's all I got for now. I'm looking forward to see what you guys change.
Posted 14 March 2022 - 08:02 PM
The way the compounding system worked before is a lot like the refining system now. You would combine a piece of equipment, compound xeon, and basic xeon to make the compounded form of that equipment. There would be several compounding grades, Fortis, Amplio, Ulterius, Melior, Potens. If the compound failed, you would lose everything.
There are several benefits to this type of system. First the player has to gather specific compound xeons adding an objective. Second there are less steps to completing a piece of equipment. Third it's lighter on the database.
What I am saying is you can use this system to make earlier equipment viable in the late game. Let's say you worked hard for a Secret Lab set, but at level cap it's useless. You can compound it to Potens in order for it to be equivalent to level cap equipment.
Posted 16 March 2022 - 10:33 AM
Very interesting Cleffy, thank you for enlightening me. I'll look into the item compounding formulas and check it out.
Posted 18 March 2022 - 06:25 AM
The return of the old upgrading system and other ingame improvements alone won't save the game. The lack of communication and updates regarding the project is making even old players lose interest so i suggest adding a road map or a list of long term goals, a weekly update of important changes and improvements and please create that discord server.
Posted 29 March 2022 - 07:06 PM
Change skin weapons Battleground Strongest=>Union
Posted 02 April 2022 - 11:28 PM
Hi there!
I'll respond within the quote:
Do not make the same mistake of customs with stats.
Costumes should be just SKINs, not a piece of equiement.
Customs should be optional, and not a required part for pve/ pvp
Look at lol, guild wars 2, lost ark, and many many many modern games.. skins do not give any kind of stats, as it should be
Pay to win meta is dead.
"Its pay for power but not so huge that skill couldn't counter it" - I will give one good example of why it could be bad
If we speak about svs or lvl 65+ focs, yeah, maybe
If we speak about lv 49 focs, well, 500 hp as bonus are a lot
We understand that you want to get money, nobody works for free in this world, but there are different ways to get money with that: just split an entire custom in pieces, for example. This would be fine for you, so that if someone wants the full custome will buy all the parts. Even for us this would be fine, since we can create "unique sets" mixing different parts of skins
Posted 01 May 2022 - 09:38 AM
Do not make the same mistake of customs with stats.
Costumes should be just SKINs, not a piece of equiement.
Customs should be optional, and not a required part for pve/ pvp
Look at lol, guild wars 2, lost ark, and many many many modern games.. skins do not give any kind of stats, as it should be
Pay to win meta is dead.
"Its pay for power but not so huge that skill couldn't counter it" - I will give one good example of why it could be bad
If we speak about svs or lvl 65+ focs, yeah, maybe
If we speak about lv 49 focs, well, 500 hp as bonus are a lot
We understand that you want to get money, nobody works for free in this world, but there are different ways to get money with that: just split an entire custom in pieces, for example. This would be fine for you, so that if someone wants the full custome will buy all the parts. Even for us this would be fine, since we can create "unique sets" mixing different parts of skins
That is a good point Hep. I agree. This also should include mounts that have higher MS from the mall. it really makes pvp unfair. my argument was that it did help with leveling. the 500 hp really helped with the lower levels but to the point of making all of kurt and a lot of parness trivial.
Posted 01 May 2022 - 11:57 AM
Hi there!
I'll respond within the quote:
Hey Alteris thanks for doing this. I like all the ideas you talked about. For trash looting i think that dealing with the fodder drops would be just that. would it help to add tags to each item id and add a few buttons to shop for each tag? like :xeon :basicxeon :ammo :trash. (could you use the sorting code from the AH to make trash buttons?) also the gray items were used to sell raid drops and stuff that were bind on aqcuire. it was also part of the way it was possible to dupe enchants i think. I agree with the item breaking and deteriorating. i spent hours making my darkest set for my druid and because i was overtired i forgot to use a break xeon and failed at 98% broke my boots. i think i was at like +27(?) all my resources were lost and all my time it really feels bad to lose hours of time and energy. as for the potens melior ulterious upgrade system, it was for items that were not from raids or dungeons, however potens 65 stuff was better in some ways than 66 items but just had less raw stats in general. like the potens 65 duals gave more raw str but no con and 66 shouts of the faceless man (66) gave str, con and dex. it made you consider different builds, like glass cannon vs slightly tankier hp.
Posted 01 May 2022 - 12:00 PM
The way the compounding system worked before is a lot like the refining system now. You would combine a piece of equipment, compound xeon, and basic xeon to make the compounded form of that equipment. There would be several compounding grades, Fortis, Amplio, Ulterius, Melior, Potens. If the compound failed, you would lose everything.
There are several benefits to this type of system. First the player has to gather specific compound xeons adding an objective. Second there are less steps to completing a piece of equipment. Third it's lighter on the database.
What I am saying is you can use this system to make earlier equipment viable in the late game. Let's say you worked hard for a Secret Lab set, but at level cap it's useless. You can compound it to Potens in order for it to be equivalent to level cap equipment.
this idea is kinda crazy lol. i like it, but i feel like it would cause more instance camping and less open world stuff. the game needs more open world. that was the fun back in the day. partying and grinding to get levels and compound xeons.
Posted 30 June 2022 - 10:53 AM
i recommend just not deceiving the whole player base ^^
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