Is the redevelopment project going just be re-working the classes, gear skill and quests or will there be anything new added to the game? I hope that there will be new content added since it have been forever since we have seen anything new. Requiem has always had such potential and I have always had a fondness for it in spite of all the the challenges the game has faced over the years. I still feel this game could truly become very successful if the right attention was giving towards developing it. Since a major project is being done to correct issues with the game where the are being servers taken offline and things reset Gravity needs to use the opportunity to finally release season 3 for Requiem. Maybe things need to be done in smaller steps and Requiem needs the re-working of classes and fixing is technical issues as a starting point to revamp the game and take it forward. Even if Season 3 isn't coming in June I would like to suggest that Gravity consider the developing and releasing Season 3 at a later date possibly along the lines of the following:
- new quests: new content is needed both to attract old players to return and level up from ground up due to the reset being done for the game as well as needed to attract new players
- new gear
- new playable races: Eonay, Nach, Ohrg and Khun
- additional continents: There are additional continents that we have been known of since the earlier days of Requiem as shown on the world map. New zones show be created and the continents added as playable areas in the game (see the world map attached to this post)
- crafting system: Have drops that in world to be used to upgrade and enhance the ability of Temperions. The Ioxenic Branch was always part of the game and responsible for the creation of the Temperions, but they have no real purpose in game. Temperions are cybernetic and these items could be used for experimental research by the Ioxenic Branch to further the goals of their humanoid enhancement project by continued developments the Temperions abilities.
Expanded story
The game should focus on exploring the story that was outlined here at Perhaps the Nach manage to escape the singularity in which the have been trapped and resurrect the Ohrg, Khun and Eonay to set out to conquer new races of Ethergia
With the return of the Nach, Eonay, Ohrg and Khun a the 2 factions system is introduced into the game. Imagine having the old Ethergaia races (Eonay, Nach, Ohrg and Khun) vs the new races (Xenoa, Turan, Bartuk and Kruxena). What would be very cool would be 1 server for the old races and another for the new one then the Server vs Server battle would become a fight between where those 2 factions clash.
House Keeping:
- Graphics update. Will there be any update to look of the game to enhance the visuals. Being that the game runs on such an old engine I'm sure there will be only a limited amount that will be possible and I am not suggesting a new graphics engine. That being said what ever came of re-painting project that was discussed in this topic https://forums.warpp...ainting-requiem ? If nothing else repainting could help to visually improve the the game.
- Optimize the game so that it runs more smoothly. It has always felt the game suffered in performance even on hardware that is sufficient to run the game. The lag and jerkiness is not something we should be experiencing running a game this old on modern hardware.
Edited by Tidus79001, 03 April 2022 - 10:22 PM.