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Thief Class for Beginner F2P

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#1 verdas86


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Posted 18 May 2022 - 12:53 AM

Hi. I tried playing this game as a Lightbringer because Ive read somewhere and a lot of people suggests that this is the one of the best class for beginners especially f2p. However, after playing about a month, I feel like this is not my kind of class. I like playing assassin or someone who are very quick in different games. Can I enjoy thief class without spending money besides offline battle? Can PD farm good enough?

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#2 Zoltor


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Posted 29 August 2022 - 07:11 PM

Hi. I tried playing this game as a Lightbringer because Ive read somewhere and a lot of people suggests that this is the one of the best class for beginners especially f2p. However, after playing about a month, I feel like this is not my kind of class. I like playing assassin or someone who are very quick in different games. Can I enjoy thief class without spending money besides offline battle? Can PD farm good enough?



Assassins can get pretty expensive, dependinf on the build(especially weapon wise, to really make use of their damage output, you need carded weapons for each main hunting ground they lv at), but still relatively cheap compared to classes like the knight. However I wouldn't suggest a sin char as your first char, they eat zeny early on like few other classes do. 


However I would suggest a rogue char as your first, as they are great for treasure hunting, and they easily break even on their supplies.  As for equips, how much there equips could be as low end or high end as you want. In general, as long as you have the proper elemental armour for where you're hunting, and a elemntal demascus, you're be set for most of pre trans leveling(with maybe getting a carded shield, and garment you fit where you are leveling, when you have the funds)  Eventually you might want to upgrade to a toothpick afow a weapon, but there's even a cheap alternative to that, a Grimtooth(super cheap, and in most cases only does like 20% less damage then the ice pick.


for the remaining equips(headgear, boots, and accessories, just get fricca for boots, and whatever agi/flee Headgear/accessories you can find for sale(most are sure to be super cheap). It's a very flexible class, where the main stats being STR, and Agi(always keeping AGI atleast 10 points higher then STR. The secondary stat is DEX, all you need this for, is to increase you Hit stat, so increase that as needed, but don't go crazy with it.


My 3rd job Rogue character is getting expensive now, but It's by choice, and I have a very special, and unique build(plus I'm at a point, where I'm just trying to min/max the characters potential). I'm end game, yet still rocking the Ice pick as my main weapon, and the Grimtooth as a backup weapon incase a enemy breaks the Ice Pick(note: equips can be repaired in town at the blacksmith shop), so yea the class can be super effective, with very little in the way of purchasing expensive equips.


Rogues are more skill based(both skill tree wise, and player skill), then equipment based


PS. Also your rogue character will beable to literally fund all your other character you make, so I see it as a must(I bought a god item for crying out loud, as well as a few other equips on that lv)

Edited by Zoltor, 29 August 2022 - 08:03 PM.

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