Tame Items and Pets (Looking for Airship Parts) - Thor Renewal Marketplace - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Tame Items and Pets (Looking for Airship Parts)

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#1 Metalzoul


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Posted 25 May 2022 - 09:47 AM

Good afternoon, I decided to open this post to search the community of our Thor server if there is any player who has a Tame item called Airship Part. This item is obtained from the Rotate Zairos of the Airship Assault instance. Grateful if anyone can help me since I only need one to finish evolving my pet.



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#2 MoonJoo


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Posted 25 May 2022 - 01:48 PM

The server is dead and there’s no one that will sell the pet taming when buying at eden for months unless you offer something op that will make farmer motivate farming. The only way I got mine is to farm the instance with alts every day and it eventually dropped. You don’t have to finish instance. All you have to do is to have char that can kill Rotar Zairos.
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#3 Metalzoul


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Posted 25 May 2022 - 03:29 PM

The server is dead and there’s no one that will sell the pet taming when buying at eden for months unless you offer something op that will make farmer motivate farming. The only way I got mine is to farm the instance with alts every day and it eventually dropped. You don’t have to finish instance. All you have to do is to have char that can kill Rotar Zairos.

Thank you very much for the suggestion brother. I do the instance daily and if I know that eventually the item will drop...
only that I decided to open this post in search of help since that percentage is still low and perhaps someone keeps one in their storage and has no intention of using it.

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#4 3814140805120645510


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Posted 30 May 2022 - 06:06 AM

Hey Metalcisco? I used to grind the instance for them. If this thread is still being checked, I have one if you need it. I caught one ^_^ and I have an extra. I'll sell it to you for cheap. 25m if you are interested. I'm not going to evolve mine. I got it for my Mechanic (gremlin in the Mech, you know?) and don't plan on evolving it. Mail Knight of Rainbows if you want to reach me. <3

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#5 Metalzoul


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Posted 30 May 2022 - 04:18 PM

Hey Metalcisco? I used to grind the instance for them. If this thread is still being checked, I have one if you need it. I caught one ^_^ and I have an extra. I'll sell it to you for cheap. 25m if you are interested. I'm not going to evolve mine. I got it for my Mechanic (gremlin in the Mech, you know?) and don't plan on evolving it. Mail Knight of Rainbows if you want to reach me. <3

Thanks Beother yesterday i make a deal whit one player for the ultimate airship part to evolved my Gremlin, Now i alrredy evolved and feeding to get Loyal.


I appreciate all helps. And hope every one  get the best of luck in any proyec, hunt or farming



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