Hello! I'm an old Ragnarok player waaaaay back in the time of Philippine Ragnarok Online and I've dipped my toes in and out into ragnarok games over the years, but never really fully returned. Recently, I learned my nephews in Toronto have been playing a while and they pulled me and my wife (who I met in the streets of Prontera almost 2 decades ago now) along with them. But they don't play the same time as we do so can't really consult them all the time.
So this is where I now.
I started making a crusader, and I am truly lost. I don't know what gear to get, what cards, where to level properly? Right now I'm level 60+ just whacking along
comodo dungeon and got myself a thara frog card that I don't know what to slot into.
Can anybody help me get my bearings straight? My goal is to revive my old Rapid Smiting Paladin from the olden days and maybe get to Royal Guard. Any help and advice is very much appreciated.