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Solo > Dual Client - (Don't let it discourage you) *lots of lols here*

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#1 ProVanity


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Posted 08 November 2022 - 07:54 PM

(Sorry in advanced if you're too new to understand some of my terminology* 
Bounty Board - Kill count quest that rewards the same amount of EXP from hunting.
3xBM - a 30min 3xEXP buff item.
Booster event - Can someone link?

SO.. I keep seeing people with mass amounts of accounts following them and I'd like to point out a few things for new players. They are actually leveling very slow.

When you see this, if you haven't already, it's a good sign that these people don't actually know what they are doing and I'm here to give you some incite as to why it's FAR insufficient.  

1. First of all what they are doing is using a high level to make the kills for bounty boards on other accounts. Meaning they miss out on the 2x exp (actually 2.25x) event that's going on right now. Yes the bounty turn in is also x2, but that means they are only leveling as normal, or slower. This is because none of those accounts are getting any of the exp from actually killing the monsters.

2. Yes a 3xBM works on bounty boards but they are missing all of the exp from hunting while it would be active. Not to mention how much it would cost. ​(So now we're at 25% normal exp and this is during a 2x exp event.)


(2.5) Lets not forget a 3xBM is only 2xEXP for non vip accounts.

3. Did they pay for vip on every account? If not were down to less than 12.5% normal exp because they cant base (or job) exp only on their Bounties AND they miss the 50% exp from VIP which a 3xBM stacks. Again, during a 2x exp event.

4. All those clients.. trust me it's not fun, one account dies and it take 5min just to find it.. then another dies while you look.. best bet is to just leave it. Oh but then you have do that bounty run all over again for the ones that you lost. then warp them out and click the bounty board on 15 accounts. Not fun at all, lots of dead time on this one.. I'd say were down to 5%exp.. but ill be nice and just look the other way.

5. The booster event active now gives you a steam starter ring, (An accessory that gives "+101% exp.. -1% every base level".) That along with ALL other EXP gear you could have on.. get this.. JUST 1 account!! is all rendered useless when you just do bounty turn ins. Cool huh?

6. You can actually get 300%+ from gear, which during a exp event that's 200% exp.. makes it 200x3=600%. Now with VIP's 50% that makes it 250x3=750 add a 3xbm and that's 1050% exp.Yes, this is with the the steam ring which does go down as you level.

(6.5) So lets be nice and call it 750% exp shall we? 750 / (at best) 10% normal exp from how they decided to level = 75 accounts they have to use at the same time to be back to normal. Feel free to check my math on this one.

Oh but wait.. lets take some of my math out and call it 100%!! *whew* Now they are back to normal just cause we're being nice. Let's check the math again.. 750/100=7.5.

Ok awesome, so they have to run 9 accounts at the same time in order to be right back to.. *drum roll please* exactly normal. Now all we got to do is look the other way when it takes them 1 hour to set up, 30min to turn in and countless reruns because one of their accounts died before they could teleport. 

So remember kids, the next time you see someone with 20 account following them.. just ^.^ and go about your business.

Edited by ProVanity, 08 November 2022 - 07:55 PM.

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#2 EdwardEG


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Posted 08 November 2022 - 10:15 PM

Agreed. I prefer to play 1 sole account.

Running these multiple accounts can take huge amount of RAM which overheats your computer. Okay maybe someone will say they wont have any problem at all doing em. Perhaps they can even use some ensemble skills, slave support char to buff up main account char when MVP-ing. but i just dont like the way i play RO with that kind of overload multi clienting. Usually multiclienting to get soul link, marrionette, gloria/agi bless for brew potion for example, seems reasonable than wasting your energy playing these huge amount of accounts.
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#3 ProVanity


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Posted 10 November 2022 - 10:31 AM

Agreed. I prefer to play 1 sole account.

Running these multiple accounts can take huge amount of RAM which overheats your computer. Okay maybe someone will say they wont have any problem at all doing em. Perhaps they can even use some ensemble skills, slave support char to buff up main account char when MVP-ing. but i just dont like the way i play RO with that kind of overload multi clienting. Usually multiclienting to get soul link, marrionette, gloria/agi bless for brew potion for example, seems reasonable than wasting your energy playing these huge amount of accounts.

I agree, this isn't a full anti duel client post, there are great benefits to using two. For me anything past that really slows things down and unless the 3rd is vending.. no real need for 3 clients. The people who do 20+ man, they could actually be leveling a lot faster.

I just think its kinda funny.

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#4 freddym


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Posted 10 November 2022 - 12:39 PM

Where are you seeing these people I don’t see anyone. Lol. I think people who run large scale multi-client character are not actually playing the game but just trolling. I think it’s helpful, convenient and wise to have more than one account especially now since people level solo and the idea of helping others through partying is laughable. Honestly pitty them if the game was more well rounded maybe people wouldn’t have to make multiple accounts just to help themselves. But to each their own if you find joy in mass clienting go right ahead but just remember it’s a multiplayer game running multiples of yourself defeats the purpose of playing with “multiple” people.
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#5 clizie


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Posted 22 December 2022 - 04:20 AM

i think im the only one and the user of that accounts who knows the benefit of these doings in this game...but thats for us to kept secret. hihihihi. one reason hint: youtuber. theres more reason to this only veteran knows.
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