Awakened Blade Katar or Thanatos - Thief Class - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Awakened Blade Katar or Thanatos

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#1 Rutsuman182


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Posted 26 November 2022 - 12:32 AM

Good afternoon.


I'm in doubt of which one is better:

+12 Awakened Blade Katar [2] or +12 Thanatos Katar [1] +1aspd/+20% against brute +Huff


I already have the Thanatos + +13 Huff which gives around 340 atk (194+544 with huff)

BUT the awakened has two slots +10% of melee atk and 365 atk (194+455 with huff)

The awakened has almost +100 less of atk, but would the second slot +10% melee overcome that difference? I'm MA by the way, so Enforcer, no hero.

Anyone tried both to see which is better?



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#2 slayerherosk2222


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Posted 27 November 2022 - 01:20 PM

To be honest, i feel like if you are nor looking for a couple thousands difference, that does really not matter much. As i did some experiment on gears and it doesn't differ the killing time much.
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#3 Rutsuman182


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Posted 28 November 2022 - 05:13 AM

To be honest, i feel like if you are nor looking for a couple thousands difference, that does really not matter much. As i did some experiment on gears and it doesn't differ the killing time much.


Uhn.. So I guess I'll stay with the Thanatos.. At least I already have it and if the difference is something less than 80-100k I'd rather have the extra leech.


Thanks  :gawi:  

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