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Does DB build better than hundred spear build for now?
Posted 08 March 2023 - 12:26 AM
Posted 08 March 2023 - 10:18 PM
i saw a DB RK with 200kish damage on Dragon's Nest vs combat basilisks. Guy must had full set of gear w god cards?
Posted 09 March 2023 - 06:42 PM
Wind Cutter is also a good build. You can use the reference from this guy:
Posted 09 March 2023 - 10:08 PM
high HP and SP; the main stats you'd need to invest in are int, dex and vit, then you're going to branch out to the others after you reach 100 on int and vit, and at least 120 on dex; low potion usage (you can also use regen potions instead of utilizing other potions while leveling, and just invest in some sp leech gear or have the sp leech pet); has a plethora of items implemented now that can support a really good build compared to Hundred spears that only has a few viable weapons at higher levels (illu pole axe [2], gelerdria [3], gungnir [2],etc.); can now change DB element through rune use so you're not stuck at only utilizing fire and water; when built towards the DB spam build (which is your likely end-game goal if going DB) can wreck bosses easily; and easy to level after getting the necessary skill points at around base level 120 onwards as long as you know where you should go (without relying too much on turn-ins).
lastly, If you're lucky/wealthy enough to get the three Fafnir items from OCP and Yggdrasil ascension, alongside a dragonic slayer, you're likely doing damage at an upwards of around 400k to max limit damage at higher levels.
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