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DB RK suggestions

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#1 stormchell


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Posted 21 May 2023 - 09:38 PM

Hey everyone,

Back again on the grind after a long break. Planning to level up and gear up my DB RK that I've neglected for years.

Aim is to possibly solo ET in the end.


Below are my equipments and stats (there are some unused points).

I heard there are new items for DB RK. Can I grab everyone's suggestions? I keep seeing people hitting 999999 on eggs in Izlude but I can't seem to get their EQ infos xD

Also where should I solo level from here on to reach 175?


Any help is much appreciated!



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#2 YongkySH


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Posted 21 May 2023 - 10:39 PM

Awakened dragonic slayer
Fafnir helm
Fafnir breath
Ring of jupiter
Firebreath shadow
Reload shadow

Edited by YongkySH, 21 May 2023 - 10:41 PM.

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#3 stormchell


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Posted 22 May 2023 - 01:02 AM

Awakened dragonic slayer
Fafnir helm
Fafnir breath
Ring of jupiter
Firebreath shadow
Reload shadow


What should be in the jupiter ring, and are those new fafnir EQs from the OCP?

And I assume those are the new shadow weapons as well?

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#4 YongkySH


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Posted 22 May 2023 - 02:02 AM

What should be in the jupiter ring, and are those new fafnir EQs from the OCP?

And I assume those are the new shadow weapons as well?


Verporta Card
Broken Cleaner Card

Greater Papila Ruba Card


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#5 Ralen


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Posted 22 May 2023 - 08:12 PM

That set is a pretty old school so everything except maybe the Fafnir Scale and PDM could be swapped.


Some expensive items which are best now and give a ton of flexibility are

Costume Garment with Fixed Cast Time stone

Almighty Shadow Earring & Pendant

Fafnir Helm

Rune Greave

Fafnir Breath


Some new items which aren't as expensive

Memento Mori (+10 all stats, 10% cast delay, 10% damage to size)

Guardian Claus (15% hp)


Beyond those expensive ones you could get some good upgrades with what was previously best.

Diabolus Wing (+10 all stats)

Splash Cat Hat (20% cast delay)

Excelion Shield or Illusion Shield (gives 10% hp/sp)

Malicious Shadow Set (gives some hp and hp leech)

Mysterious Muffler (gives agi up walk speed)

Speed of Light enchanted Temporal Dex Boots with a Temporal Ring (30% cast delay)

Imperial Glory (3% cast delay per 50 agi/vit)

Openair Headset (5% cast delay)

Hasty Shadow Armor & Shoes (set gives agi up walk speed)


If you can get your 0.5 FCT someplace other than shoes then these are great

Diabolus Boots (combo with D.Wing for tons of hp)

Fluffy Fish Shoes (20% cast delay, 20% hp)


Other cheap 'sidegrades'

Thanatos Hammer (hp/sp leech)


17.2 stuff

Can make armor and boots but might be a crazy amount of grinding.

Broken Cleaner Card is a great accessory card for DB. Get 2!

Research Assistant Bot Card is great if you can make a +16/18 Spear [4] or Pike [4].



My current setup is nearly complete and takes advantage of the flexibility the new OCP and costumes enchants give. Current 187 and taking my time making it to 200.

+9 Fafnir Helm - Bungisngis
Diabolus Wing - Kiel
Guardian Claus
Fafnir Scale
Valkyrie Hammer - Dracula, Hunter Fly, Powerful Archer Skeleton, Polluted Raydric Archer
Excelion Shield - GTB
+9 Fafnir Breath - Deviling
+7 Rune Greaves
Jasper Ring - Faceworm Dark (need to grab the new card still)
Ring of Jupiter - Faceworm (need to grab the new card still)
Firebreath Shadow Weapon
Shadow Armor/Shield/Shoe is Malicious set
Costume Garment with Fixed Cast stone
Almighty Shadow set
Pet is Incubus for SP leech
Still working on this but the current plan for 200 is to have these stats
Short version, try to get the Fafnir/Rune pieces but otherwise a Memento Mori, 2x Broken Cleaner Card, a D.Wing, Splash Cat Hat, Excelion Shield, Imperial Glory or a cheap Guardian Claus, and a Thanatos Hammer (with hunter fly). Should be a breeze to level potion free with that.
Also for 150 to 175 your options are NCT or Illusion Turtle Island and I'd recommend turtles. After 175 go to Nogg Road or if you like being bored try the new GH map. At 180/185 try Odin4 and at 190 Abyss Lake 4.

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#6 Rezar


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Posted 26 May 2023 - 12:53 PM

how good is that Valk hammer over awakened dragonic slayer with your card setup?
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#7 mikkotinamide


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Posted 03 June 2023 - 06:38 PM

Personally I'd prioritize getting as much sp leech (e.g. sp garment + incubus) first as possible before getting more damage via new fafnir breath+helm and new weapon.

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#8 Ralen


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Posted 06 June 2023 - 12:15 AM

how good is that Valk hammer over awakened dragonic slayer with your card setup?



Oh the hammer is worse for damage but for leech it is great. So since I focus on farming/ET/basic instances both my old Dragonic Slayer and Diabolus Boot got swapped out for ease of use reasons. Having that much leech from the weapon lets me autopilot a bit and watch a show while I click around with no chance of dying, and for the boots even though I had more damage with Diabolus Boots combo the Greave's 30 Dex and Agi Up made that a better choice for farming. Also the Dex lets you start ET on lower leveled RKs.


These days for straight up dps assuming you don't need a GTB then you probably want an Awakened Dragonic Slayer or I've seen videos of weird builds with +16 or +18 Spears or Pikes with four Greater Research Assistant Bot Card which do crazy DB damage from all the range damage plus bonuses, but I haven't tested that pike setup myself.


But also these days just spend the 5 skill points and get Ignition Break and after you clear the area with DB then hit the MVP with IB for like 20m damage...

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