Due to the massive update on Spell Fist last year (removing the hit cap), I find it very fun to use now for normal leveling scenario. I don't know if some of this are already answered or not, but here are my questions:
1. Since Double Attack works with Spell Fist, does Critical and Critical damage cards boost the damage too?
2. Does Splash Attack comes from Baphomet Card or Gambler's Seal set works on Spell Fist? I want to reset my stats to 120 LUK if it works
3. Is the best weapon for Hindsight/Spell Fist builds is still the Book of the Sun God having 4 slots? I am planning to buy +14 then card it with 2 Juu 2 and Hunter Fly Cards
4. Since uber fast cast is bad for this build, should I still aim for 120 DEX? My main element of use is wind due to Fifth Element (I think its kinda buggy)
5. Tips for MVPing? For some reason, I can't cast Magnetic Earth. Is it bugged right now?
6. Should I build up FLEE? Thinking of using Stephen Jack card on my shoes.
I think this is my questions on top of my head right now. Thanks for your responses in advance!