Hey there people,
I've been meaning to switch some gears on my Warlock recently and the biggest issue I've had when deciding which new equipments to get is the 100% mdef pierce (preferrably on all monsters i'm excluding the wizard shadow combo that doesn't apply on boss monsters)
Currently i'm using the PDM (15% pierce each 18 str, currently 72str) and survivor shoes to get my 100% pierce, but that kind of locks me into the survivor set because of the other big bonuses it provides,
My gear loadout looks like this atm:
+9 Celine Ribbon
Diabolus wings
Survivor Orb
+11 Flattery Robe (2/2 int enchants)
+15 Survivor wand
+12 mad bunny
+9 survivor Manteau
+7 survivor shoes
Celine brooch
If you also have any tips on where to improve and what to change first, it'll be gladly appreciated!