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OCP Wishlist - Start of 2024

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#51 VModIceCreamCake


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Posted 02 January 2024 - 08:35 AM

List is updated! Most of the new items in this new box were requested too which is nice to see. Also I might need to lock this and remake the topic if the list keeps having trouble saving.





1. Costume Digital Space Garment

2. Costume Blessing Of Angels

3. Costume Aura of Downpour



Not sure what the first costume is so if you could give a link I'll add it.

Second one is now on the list!

But for the third one I'm not sure if this Costume Aura of Downpour was the costume you meant but added it to the list. If you wanted something else please link that too.

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#52 seaya999


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Posted 03 January 2024 - 09:04 PM

Dear GM,
Thank you very much for your support of the game.
To be honest, this game gave me some exciting times.
The only problem is that I want the Chaser Shoes because it's really hard for me to do high damage without this gear.
It's easy to imagine how I would have struggled to survive Ragnarok without these shoes.
If I am lucky enough to get these shoes, I swear I will become the bravest warrior in the Valhalla and the most loyal attendant of the Valkyrie.
Best regards.


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#53 CaptainKnuckle


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Posted 06 January 2024 - 03:00 AM

please restore "Death Bringer" to its original effect in next maintenance. 

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#54 Ride My Toy

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Posted 06 January 2024 - 07:42 PM

Chemical Resistant Glove [1]




Record TWRO Set


思念體忿恨因子研究錄(劍士篇) [1] 490173
思念體忿恨因子研究錄(商人篇) [1] 490175
思念體忿恨因子研究錄(弓箭手篇) [1] 490198
思念體忿恨因子研究錄(服事篇) [1] 490192
思念體忿恨因子研究錄(法師篇) [1] 490170
思念體忿恨因子研究錄(盜賊篇) [1] 490191



思念體破壞因子研究錄(劍士篇) [1] 490094

思念體破壞因子研究錄(商人篇) [1] 32286 
思念體破壞因子研究錄(弓箭手篇) [1] 490095 
思念體破壞因子研究錄(服事篇) [1] 32288 
思念體破壞因子研究錄(法師篇) [1] 32285 
思念體破壞因子研究錄(盜賊篇) [1] 32287 

Edited by Ride My Toy, 07 January 2024 - 01:07 PM.

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#55 hoyea


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Posted 06 January 2024 - 08:29 PM

Chaser shoes[1]
Please come out
FM build SC is too weak compared to other physics class
The damage is several times lower than other physics class,please balance it with professional shoes.
my wallet is ready

Edited by hoyea, 06 January 2024 - 08:33 PM.

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#56 Darkxealot


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Posted 08 January 2024 - 09:35 AM

Death Bringer would be Nice
Also doing something with some of the older rings like you did with adormaus ring, dark ring, ysf, all those rings should be done on some sort of rotation at the 2.whatever% Chance

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#57 SRebel


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Posted 08 January 2024 - 10:13 AM

Help make other builds viable 

Counter Slash shadow set 



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#58 2680230508215702307


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Posted 08 January 2024 - 05:56 PM

I want to get these on iRO please:

http://kafra.kr/#!/en/KRO/itemdetail/20489 Costume Pope Crown for my Cardinal

http://kafra.kr/#!/en/KRO/itemdetail/420113 Costume Side Roll Pony (Black) for my Inquisitor

http://kafra.kr/#!/en/KRO/itemdetail/20613 Costume Wing of Spider for my Shadow Cross

https://www.divine-p...ase/item/420085 Costume Kururinpa Tails (White) for my future Dragon Knight (if iRO GMs re-open the additional slots they locked, I do not remember when, in 2023)

Edit: Since Time Thief Earring was added these boots should be added as soon as possible as well, please. 

https://www.divine-p...tem/470098/twRO Boots from twRO that make combo with emerald ring for severe rainstorm. 


https://www.divine-p...nown-item-32265 another accessory for Shadow Chaser :D

https://rotool.gungho.jp/item/450176/ Powered Wing with Slot, so we can use that Empathizer Card combo

Edited by 2680230508215702307, 20 February 2024 - 02:27 PM.

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#59 YongkySH


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Posted 09 January 2024 - 03:03 AM


Squirrel Ear Hat


リス耳フード帽 [1]

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#60 SRebel


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Posted 09 January 2024 - 04:44 AM

For additional variety for the autocasters:







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#61 rojabidaru


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Posted 10 January 2024 - 06:16 PM

Evil Curse Shadow Earring



Evil Curse Shadow Pendant



Evil Curse Shadow Shoes



Vivatus Fides Dark Wand [2]



Adulter Fides Dark Wand [2]



Ring of Storm [1]





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#62 Sverre


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Posted 13 January 2024 - 02:48 AM

Hi VModIceCreamCake,

This is my OCP/Kachua Wishlist for 2024 :ani_wow: 

Following the success of Midgard Knight Shoes [1], I would like to suggest these shoes & manteau for the upcoming OCP. 




       Exotic Temporal Combo

We need more Ether Dust/Blessed Ether Dust. Maybe next spending promo? or, just put them in Kafra Shop for 800KP = 100ea  :gg:


Edited by Sverre, 14 January 2024 - 08:07 PM.

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#63 aKuRa


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Posted 13 January 2024 - 05:23 AM

It is a good time to add expanded classes gears.
Now that main classes do over Ms of dmg

Anything from the list really, they will appreciate it
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#64 Shinzaku


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Posted 13 January 2024 - 06:04 AM

I would love a return of the Battle Surcoat and the Hibram's Gloves, as some new and returning players have missed out on the chance of those

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#65 HickV


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Posted 13 January 2024 - 06:56 AM

Please Bring New Waves [1] in the next OCP as it can be useful for multiple classes. Thank you.

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#66 Milktz


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Posted 14 January 2024 - 07:18 AM

Dark Ring 

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#67 DekchaiJoe


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Posted 15 January 2024 - 10:35 PM

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#68 Pepyakalol


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Posted 17 January 2024 - 02:30 AM

Plz, we need New Wave Sunglasses. Price on market around 2b is absurd. Put it in some next boxes, thanks.

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Posted 17 January 2024 - 04:01 PM

Record of arhcer 2:

(Thro) https://www.divine-p...d-of-archer-2-1


Lord Bearer Shadow Set:








Midgart Kingdom Knight boots:




We finished a lot recently, please also bring:


Next OCP:


Next Kachua:




Infinity shadow weapon:



Ancient Morroc Noble Jewelry:



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#70 QYakkun


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Posted 21 January 2024 - 04:58 PM

Poenitentia Honor Crown     divine-pride.net Item - 懺悔榮耀冠冕 [1]

Poenitentia Dexterity Crown    divine-pride.net Item - 懺悔精巧冠冕 [1]

Thank you very much!


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#71 Angelqweqewqe


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Posted 22 January 2024 - 12:54 PM

TWRO items

400469 Poenetentia_D_Crown



400457 Poenetentia_V_Crown


Edited by Angelqweqewqe, 23 January 2024 - 11:52 AM.

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#72 Stormblitz


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Posted 23 January 2024 - 10:32 AM

Hello all , 

GM Beelzebub here,
want to share some information for the update,

- Ether dust doesn't drop from the 3 MD above,
- Thanatos revamp cards will update separate from 30 Jan MA (together with edda biolabs card)
- Detailed information about the MD will publish on 30 Jan MA

What we're now still worked on 
- Directx 9 Update

- Episode 18
- Completing all skipped update/patch (you can inform me what patch currently skipped/not implemented)
- Rodex lag issue investigation
- Collabs

Thank you for all your support guys ^^,




Thanks for the updates. While these are appreciated, please see below:


Could you please prioritize bringing in 4th Jobs for Expanded classes? (Night Watch, Soul Ascetic, Sky/Heaven Emperor, Hyper Novice).


Also please bring in Rebel/Rebellion specific OCP Items I have requested many months/years ago.

These are listed in the OCP Wishlist link below. Please have a look.



We consistently receive items for 4th job classes, but what about those who primarily play expanded jobs like myself? 3rd and 4th jobs are already strong and they keep getting stronger with every new OCP release while you leave expanded classes behind.


Your team even went out of the way to make a custom item for Royal Guard (Arbritrator Shawl) because many were unhappy about the nerfed RG armor effects (Platinum Arbitrator). They even brought in slotted middle headgears for other classes (Phantom Ears, Asmodeus Hairband, Red Pope Ribbon, etc), except for Rebellion (Rebel Pocket Watch). Unfair much? Also do you even know what items you're bringing into the server?


1 brand new item, or a slotted version of an existing item for expanded class, unnerfed with original effects, in every new OCP release would be fair.


Please listen to the minority and stop the discrimination against expanded jobs. Make iRO "Great" again.



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#73 Milktz


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Posted 29 January 2024 - 07:09 PM

Paracelsus coat add new ocp?

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Posted 30 January 2024 - 01:58 AM

Thanks for bringing in Storm Ring


Next OCP please:


Next Kachua please:

Ancient Morroc Noble Jewelry:





And dont forget:



Infinity shadow weapon:




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#75 MiroSorce


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Posted 30 January 2024 - 02:12 AM

New Kachua

Full penetration Shadow

Return Kachua
almighty Shadow Set 
cart cannon Shadow Set
Shooting Shadow Set

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