Been building an army of Cardinals to solo ET with, as well as an SS Chaser, Sorc, Super Novice, GX, and Royal Guard. Here's my leveling strategy, keep in mind it's gear intensive, a newbie is going to be struggling at 68+.
3 - 15: Spores
15-28: Ant Eggs
28-68: Orcs (Don't forget Bounty Boards in Geffen)
- The sheer number of orcs you can mob and kill make this viable after you're out of their leveling range, you actually lose EPH (exp per hour) trying to move to monsters in level range as they don't mob as well, and you lose time traveling.
68-91: Harpies (Bounty Board in Juno)
91-105: Nogg 2 (Bounty Board in Juno)
*Depending on Mid TI sets, and your gear/class, it may become more viable to farm straight from 100 to 130 there.
105-130: Juperos (Bounty Board in Juno)
130-140: Bath House
140-150: Dragon's Nest 2 (Bounty Boards in Lasagna)
150-161: Pitayas
161-171: Storage 1
171-175: Storage 2
175-180: Nogg 3
180+: Mines 3 (Don't forget Mines and Odin's 4 Dailies)
190+: Abyss Lake 4 (Dailies in Hugel, don't forget previous dailies)
200+: Niff Banquet Hall (Don't forget previous dailies)
Grinding past 220 is a slog, just remember to do your dailies each day and turn in on a BMX3, you'll be 250 before you know it.
Bonus EXP, VIP, Anniversary Costumes, and BMX3s, I can trans in 90 mins, hit 99/70 in another 2 hours, then hit 130 in about an hour after that. The speed bump comes from the quests required to access 17.2 content, which take about 2 hours to complete, usually longer, as I get bored and call it a day. If I was able to focus, and not get bored, Novice to 185 is entirely possible in a 10-12 hour span on BMX3s during all these stacked EXP events.
Oh, and before you ask, here's the quest list, in order.
Edited by ClickClickClick, 11 January 2024 - 05:28 PM.