Sorcerers/Elemental Masters, how do you recover HP? - Mage Class - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Sorcerers/Elemental Masters, how do you recover HP?

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#1 Remiechan


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Posted 14 January 2024 - 06:47 AM

Warmer is a tad slow, there's practically no Magic Leeching gear, we don't have Drain Life unlike our Warlock peers, what do you do? CVB is inadequate after a certain level


Edit: I thought I posted on Mage, not Merchant... how do I move this topic to the right class subforum?

Edited by Remiechan, 14 January 2024 - 07:41 AM.

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#2 Nagaame


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Posted 14 January 2024 - 08:58 AM

For early leveling, I'd use a Thanatos Wand or Royal Guard Shield for Shield Spell Level 1 (you can just swap it in to cast and then switch back to a normal shield). For destitute leveling, Warmer + Vitata/Sarah's Earring/Hibram for healing. You can also just by healing items like Syrups as they're fairly affordable nowadays.

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#3 EdwardEG


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Posted 14 January 2024 - 12:51 PM

There is another build for HP leeching sorc but that is not PW build

Spell fist.

The damage is considered melee physical and works with life stealing equipment such as vanargand / hunter fly card / EDA but however, the real downside is obviously its a single target not AoE. But I had fun using this build without using any pots to be honest and i can share the life leeching equipment with my other characters that are mostly physical atk classes

Edited by EdwardEG, 14 January 2024 - 12:53 PM.

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#4 VModIceCreamCake


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Posted 14 January 2024 - 09:52 PM

Got this moved to the right section!

As for healing, using one or more of the Event Small/Medium Life Potions or Mysterious Water is very helpful to keep you topped up for 10 minutes at a time. Any booster character gets a decent amount of them from the level locked boxes but you can get more on the Cash Shop (Life Potion Sampler) if you run out or if you don't have a booster on that account. Since mages usually don't take that much damage (hopefully!) that little bit of healing kept me full so would definitely recommend giving those a try!

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#5 Remiechan


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Posted 14 January 2024 - 11:48 PM

For early leveling, I'd use a Thanatos Wand or Royal Guard Shield for Shield Spell Level 1 (you can just swap it in to cast and then switch back to a normal shield). For destitute leveling, Warmer + Vitata/Sarah's Earring/Hibram for healing. You can also just by healing items like Syrups as they're fairly affordable nowadays.


Not sure where "Early" ends but this is a level 177 Sorcerer, mostly just thinking how unlike previously, mobs going forward has millions of HP, and gears are expensive! my PW only hits 240-280k per hit so my CVB isn't keeping me fully topped up all the time unlike prior ahaha 


There is another build for HP leeching sorc but that is not PW build

Spell fist.

The damage is considered melee physical and works with life stealing equipment such as vanargand / hunter fly card / EDA but however, the real downside is obviously its a single target not AoE. But I had fun using this build without using any pots to be honest and i can share the life leeching equipment with my other characters that are mostly physical atk classes


I fancied that idea before, battle sage kinda thing, but was like "this is renewal, everything is AOE!" went with the usual PW Build ofc 


Got this moved to the right section!

As for healing, using one or more of the Event Small/Medium Life Potions or Mysterious Water is very helpful to keep you topped up for 10 minutes at a time. Any booster character gets a decent amount of them from the level locked boxes but you can get more on the Cash Shop (Life Potion Sampler) if you run out or if you don't have a booster on that account. Since mages usually don't take that much damage (hopefully!) that little bit of healing kept me full so would definitely recommend giving those a try!


Thanks for moving it! 

Unfortunately, not a booster character ahaha... getting hit sometimes wasn't optional when the mobs no longer die to 1 hit and ranged enemies are plenty tho :/ 

Edited by Remiechan, 14 January 2024 - 11:48 PM.

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#6 slayerherosk2222


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Posted 16 January 2024 - 01:01 PM

Not sure where "Early" ends but this is a level 177 Sorcerer, mostly just thinking how unlike previously, mobs going forward has millions of HP, and gears are expensive! my PW only hits 240-280k per hit so my CVB isn't keeping me fully topped up all the time unlike prior ahaha 



I fancied that idea before, battle sage kinda thing, but was like "this is renewal, everything is AOE!" went with the usual PW Build ofc 



Thanks for moving it! 

Unfortunately, not a booster character ahaha... getting hit sometimes wasn't optional when the mobs no longer die to 1 hit and ranged enemies are plenty tho :/ 


I think Royal Guard Shield and Life Portion would be the best to keep up the level of HP. And Blue portion from Biolo is kinda cheap lately, so a couple of them would be sufficient for every usage.


I think those are the main methods so far and should be sufficient. Are you encountering any other issues with those mehtods?

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#7 vividort


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Posted 16 January 2024 - 02:56 PM

Something fancy you can do is use lvl 2 insignia to tank stuff, it changes monster attack to the insignia element so if you have reduction for that element you take less damage. Might be unreliable but is definitely a thing you can do XD. Its been a while since i played sorc, but i remember using lvl 2 agni to heal with warmer, you might need the summon for fixed cast tho :/

Edited by vividort, 16 January 2024 - 03:06 PM.

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#8 Sewasan


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Posted 18 January 2024 - 05:58 AM

Mostly a combination of life potions that you get for free when you have a booster and syrups, wich are really cheap nowadays, you can get enough to play for a while, Sorcerers always struggle with the hp thing

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#9 Darkshneider


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Posted 18 January 2024 - 07:00 AM

You might laugh but i have a candy hat swap in for the lvl 3 heal xD thats what i do on mine

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#10 Remiechan


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Posted 25 January 2024 - 01:44 AM

You might laugh but i have a candy hat swap in for the lvl 3 heal xD thats what i do on mine


I mean... the number of times I contemplated on buying a Hibram's tells me I can't exactly laugh about this Q_Q


Mostly a combination of life potions that you get for free when you have a booster and syrups, wich are really cheap nowadays, you can get enough to play for a while, Sorcerers always struggle with the hp thing


Man... I'm not a booster chara unfortunately... and yeah, HP's become a rather big issue, which I didn't feel on my RG...


Something fancy you can do is use lvl 2 insignia to tank stuff, it changes monster attack to the insignia element so if you have reduction for that element you take less damage. Might be unreliable but is definitely a thing you can do XD. Its been a while since i played sorc, but i remember using lvl 2 agni to heal with warmer, you might need the summon for fixed cast tho :/


But... I have to walk when I am grinding!!

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#11 Sewasan


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Posted 25 January 2024 - 05:09 AM

I mean... the number of times I contemplated on buying a Hibram's tells me I can't exactly laugh about this Q_Q



Man... I'm not a booster chara unfortunately... and yeah, HP's become a rather big issue, which I didn't feel on my RG...



But... I have to walk when I am grinding!!


For Sorcs has always been, Wls have it easy with the free ygg seed button wich is drain life, thats why in the past i always pvm with WL instead of sorc, but i love sorc too much, i have like 5 lol, anyway syrups are extremely cheap nowadays and it should be enough to pot trough the game, sadly magical classes dont have reliable leech gear so, thats it

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#12 gaurus


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Posted 17 February 2024 - 07:08 AM

I used scatleton in the past to level my squishy sorc especially when it october but then WP decided NOOOO!!!! Can't have me and my poor sorc easy access to healing. :[ Still bitter about it and sorry for ranting on your post.
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#13 Remiechan


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Posted 18 February 2024 - 06:06 AM

I used scatleton in the past to level my squishy sorc especially when it october but then WP decided NOOOO!!!! Can't have me and my poor sorc easy access to healing. :[ Still bitter about it and sorry for ranting on your post.


Lol NP, I feel the pain, I have now mostly put my Sorc into the back burner since she's too squishy, still leveling her, but at a snail pace

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#14 LoLitsNeal


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Posted 02 March 2024 - 06:05 PM

I am also having issues already as a lvl 125 sorc!

I was using Vitata card, but it is really starting to fall off. I feel like Hibrams glove would not be much better at lvl 3.

Royal Guard Shield looks solid, its kinda pricey, but may try at some point.

Thanatos is definately a consideration, looks like it actually gives magic lifesteal? The 2 hander actually dosent have too bad of matk either. Anyone know if Thanatos is reliable enough?

Carrying around a stack of Syrups is nice, but man you can really burn through them in no time while farming.

How is Warmer? It seems like it would take a while to heal to full? Or is it better than it seems? Havent spent poinbts into it yet but looks like this is the only heal spell?

I see one of the spirits gives regen, but lvl 1 spirits tend to die fast on me.

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#15 EdwardEG


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Posted 03 March 2024 - 12:43 AM

Thanatos is definately a consideration, looks like it actually gives magic lifesteal? The 2 hander actually dosent have too bad of matk either. Anyone know if Thanatos is reliable enough?
Carrying around a stack of Syrups is nice, but man you can really burn through them in no time while farming.
How is Warmer? It seems like it would take a while to heal to full? Or is it better than it seems? Havent spent poinbts into it yet but looks like this is the only heal spell?
I see one of the spirits gives regen, but lvl 1 spirits tend to die fast on me.

You can expect Level 5 heal card in the future if they decide to release illusion of twins


Also, if you expect to rely on low % chance of life steal from thanatos staff you gotta need to do more mobbing.

Combining with Elegant shadow set is also nice for life steal


The problem for using warmer is it takes time to heal. 3 seconds to heal 5% MHP is very slow to be honest might as well just spam concentrated red/golden syrups for the best choice
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#16 LoLitsNeal


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Posted 03 March 2024 - 06:10 AM

Thanks for the advice Edward.


I havent tried the red concentrated pots because they are as expensive as whites but heal less (at least on paper, havent tried them much). Maybe the weight difference is worth it though?


Here we go:

Warmer + Royal Guard + Vitata spam = More regens!!! lol.


Seriously though, ill try to buy a big stack of red concs and see how they hold up. Sad to hear Thanatos isnt too reliable.

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#17 Nagaame


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Posted 03 March 2024 - 08:13 AM

I'm gonna lightly disagree with the unreliableness of Thanatos Staff. It's a 5% chance for a proc that gives an effect that lasts a minute. It's probably not sufficient if you're taking constant hits, but it's great for keeping yourself topped off especially with Indulge eating into your HP. Moreover, if you're poor, there's a good chance you're doing the PW->DD(->EG) spell rotation, and PW gives up to 7 proc chances. Lastly, if you're poor, then there really aren't too many other weapon options in the first place. Again, it's probably not enough to replace all your other healing options, but I still think it's a really strong option that's worth trying.

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#18 LoLitsNeal


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Posted 03 March 2024 - 08:34 AM

Oh yea, 5% seems strong when im mobbing 5+ mobs constantly. Thats like 25% chance per pull for regens. Not bad! Thanks for suggestion, ill try it out. Time to farm some Ghost Palace!

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