Dont forget that Chemical Resistance Gloves might be better than Paracelsus glove (which is the reason why the latter is much cheaper now)
It looks like iRO wiki updated the recommended equipments for genetic
Kudos to whoever did it
Chem Resist Gloves are definitely better than both Para and Chem Gloves (from testing on my build anyway), but I didn't recommend them because they are lvl200+ (and beyond his budget). This will be the desired accessories for most endgame builds though.
Big +1 to whoever is randomly updating the Wiki Build pages, and think I saw GX or SX get updated too!
Imma need to research that gray wolf stuff. Aside from the DSL, what other viable weapons are there? I just checked, I have a +12 cert, dunno where i got it, but i think it would be a waste if i used it for the DSL.
I'm currently using +9 3AS TENS Red EA3, dunno if Saphir Hall-OS is that much better.
Does Paracelsus glove affect cart cannon?
I thought you meant chemical gloves, and thinking if its really that good. didn't know there is a chemical resistance gloves.
So I don't think it would be a waste to use it on the DSL (and wow, lucky you have one!) as it is an extremely strong weapon for any class that can use it, and I think one of the top weapons for Biolo right now, so if you are only running Biolo it could be worth it -- I would assume the Thanatos Shooter Helm+Weapon would beat it but that requires you to be locked into that combo and it's VERY expensive right now, so up to you. If you want to make some money, you could also offer to "sell" that cert for easily over 1b (I see offers at 1.4b recently) to better gear up your character.
My personal favorite choice is the Scythe of Ice Flame because it gives 100% chance leech per hit meaning you basically live forever unless the damage 1-shots you... doesn't do a bunch for damage but doesn't matter if you can't die and only needs +10 for full effect ...however, this is also a very expensive item.
I thought that Paracelsus Gloves doesn't affect CC, but the +20% damage to all size monsters is always niiiiice anyway... but Divine-Price lists the code as affecting CC too? https://www.divine-p...acelsus-glove-1
iRO is notorious for mistranslated items so it could be either way here, haha.